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Foreign Advisor Screen

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  • Foreign Advisor Screen

    The screen with the 8 heads! My problem is that whatever I do, there are no links shown between the heads.
    Whatever treaties I set up, nothing shows. And, yes, I have checked the boxes.
    Also, I have an embassy with the French and I know they are at war with the Germans, but this is NOT shown on the Foreign Advisor screen either (ie no line showing War).
    Help please!!

  • #2
    I have exactly the same problem, please help us!



    • #3
      The only thing I can think of is to hold the shift key and left click on the foreign head or heads. A colored circle should appear around the head and the lines should appear. Use the diplomacy button (D) near the bottom right corner to contact other civs. When you use the foreign advisor screen and click on one foreign head it seems the other heads get disconnected. I use the foreign advisor for info only.


      • #4
        Try to get OpenGL drivers.

        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

