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Cannot upgrade French Pikemen

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  • Cannot upgrade French Pikemen

    Got my French cities garrisoned with Pikemen, just invented Gunpowder and build a road to a Salpeter resource. I'm now able to build the French UU Musketeer, but I cannot upgrade all my Pikemen to Musketeers - and Musketmen aren't available as France!??!!?

    Am I doing something wrong? If not, this must be changed or France is at a great disadvantage when needing to upgrade!

  • #2
    Hmm. I believe that the game, as is, does not allow upgrades to or from UUs. To change this, you have to open the civ3mod.bic file with the editor and go to edit rules, units and then change (for whatever unit you want) the upgrade options.

    Or find the thread on the Files forum that does it for you. If you're lazy.

    Like me.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


    • #3
      You can upgrade from UUs to the next unit, or from an older unit skipping your UU to a newer one, but not from an older one to a UU. ie

      Musketeer to Rifleman
      Pikeman to Rifleman
      but not Pikeman to Musketeer

      I just end up skipping Musketeers, they are useless anyway.


      • #4
        Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
        Hmm. I believe that the game, as is, does not allow upgrades to or from UUs.
        As Travathian wrote you CAN upgrade FROM UU but not to. I believe this changed with the patch, as I'm pretty sure I was unable to upgrade my Roman Legionaries in my first game.
        To change this, you have to open the civ3mod.bic file with the editor and go to edit rules, units and then change (for whatever unit you want) the upgrade options.
        Yes, I did just that. Problem is you can only specify ONE unit to upgrade to, so I couldn't specify that a "Pikeman upgrades to Musketman or Musketeer". Only way to overcome the problem is to allow French to build Musketman.


        • #5
          I think its lame that I can't build regular Musketmen as the French and just say the he11 with Musketeers.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 0 Innocence
            Problem is you can only specify ONE unit to upgrade to, so I couldn't specify that a "Pikeman upgrades to Musketman or Musketeer". Only way to overcome the problem is to allow French to build Musketman.
            You can specify upgrade chains a la 'pikeman upgrades to musketeer, musketeer upgrades to musketman, musketman upgrades to rifleman'. You still won't be able to build musketeers unless your playing as the French (or musketmen if you do), but this enables a pikeman - musketman - rifleman as well as a pikeman - musketeer - rifleman upgrade chain. (And BTW, korn's Blitz Mod ( does exactly that - and a lot of other things.)
            "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


            • #7
              Sorry for wrong info guys.

              I guess I have too many mods and can't keep track of all the changes...

              No matter, I've addd my own reduced corruption figurees anyway - hey, at least I'm still enjoying the game.

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #8
                Originally posted by lockstep
                musketeer upgrades to musketman
                Ah yes. As long as this upgrade (or rather, downgrade) cost is zero it would work fine.
                (And BTW, korn's Blitz Mod ( does exactly that - and a lot of other things.)
                Interresting. Thanks for the link, I'll take a look at the MOD.

                I'm not all too keep about modifying the game rules with the game still being so young. I'd prefer that people gave the original rules a chance and only changed grave logical errors (like this Musketeer issue), but hey it's a free country I saw a MOD a few days after game release which drastically reduced the effect of corruption. Granted corruption is far more serious than in former Civ-games, but why not at least play with it for a month or so to see what positie effects this has on gameplay (like making certain government choices more viable than others depending on size of empire, reducing fast expansion etc.). Oh well..


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
                  Sorry for wrong info guys.
                  Just to reassure you: Two weaks ago I would have given exactly the same wrong info. And the solution is elegant, but not intuitive at all.

                  Originally posted by 0 Innocence
                  I'm not all too keep about modifying the game rules with the game still being so young. I'd prefer that people gave the original rules a chance and only changed grave logical errors (like this Musketeer issue), but hey it's a free country I saw a MOD a few days after game release which drastically reduced the effect of corruption. Granted corruption is far more serious than in former Civ-games, but why not at least play with it for a month or so to see what positie effects this has on gameplay (like making certain government choices more viable than others depending on size of empire, reducing fast expansion etc.). Oh well..
                  Just take a look at my signature ...
                  "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                  • #10
                    Yeah, well I guess that signature is aimed at the serious, thoughtful mod-maker. Not only am I not one of these (and I don't think there are all that many of those precious gems), but I am just seeking fun. I don't like the level of corruption, so Isought a quick, dirty fix. It seems to have worked and at least my interest in playing the game is still fair.

                    Good advice, though, I think a lot of the game's detractors have given little thought to what Firaxis intended. You give the game a chance, you live, you learn, you adapt. So it's not ideal - what is? Thank God we CAN have an affirmative answer to "can I upgrade my Pikemen to Musketeers?". You find the limits of the game and you change them if you can, or you adapt until something better comes along. Which I doubt will be for a long while.

                    {/stares into space and takes lecturing pose/}

                    For better or for worse, we're stuck with the game if we've bought it. I f you want to undergo a wasteful divorce from the game and not play it again, well, whatever. Most of us are long term Civ fans and our marriage to the series should surely be able to withstand a few rows like this one. Think of all the good times gone before and yet to come...


                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

