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War Weariness

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  • War Weariness

    Hi Folks,
    does anyone know how to find out what's the level of war weariness in my cities??? Probably it's in the manual but I didn't manage to find it in two succesful reading? Am I so stupid?
    Thanks in advance!!!


  • #2
    If you have unhappy ppl in your city, click on one and it will tell you exactly what is making it unhappy. Each tells you the exact same thing.

    And no, none of them actually say "I'm sick of this game", but I wonder if you could change it somewhere so that was a cause of unhappiness... Hmm.....

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


    • #3
      Thanks for your help... yet it would be nice to see what's the level of weariness in each city... maybe it could be suggested to the Dev Team.


      • #4
        I'm whiner weary, so get a life whereitsat,

        It seems police and suffrage both reduce WW together?
        although if theres too many whiners.. nothing positive gets done or said and democracy falls..


        • #5
          how does this work?

          How does War Weariness work? (whew...say that three times fast...)

          Uh, does War Weariness occur in individual cities due to some level of unhappiness or how? Since cities no longer "own" units like they did in Civ2, why does one city get war weary before another during war?

          Does War Weariness build up in a civilization, and is then manifest in cities with a certain level of happiness?

          I hope in the "new, improved" editor, there is a switch to allow the demise of particular units to increase war weariness on either the attacker or the attacked.

          How does war weariness work?
          Question Authority.......with mime...


          • #6
            My opinion...

            Uhm... War Weariness. Let me try to share my wisdom with you

            1) Police Station and Universal Suffrage seem to work together and it's worthy to build the Station if you have have the Suffrage anyway, just because it lower corruption.

            2) I guess that War Wearines works this way:

            WW in city = k(turn at war) * (Type of War) + Various -Bonus

            where k is a constant, Type of war is your stance in a conflict (Defending your homecountry or Invading the enemy territory, if you attack you have a greater WW), Various is whatever else (like the risk of war, the manual say that the menace of war and having enemy near the borders increase WW). Bonus derive from Police Station and Suffrage.

            3) I guess that unhappy citizen due to WW can still be made content using Luxuries and Improvementes (Temple, Cathedral and so...)

            Note that WW works in a different way from Civ and Civ2 but it still helps to keep your units at home (Your territory). I suppose that the bigger difference is that WW is now a global, nation-wide factor meaning that every city show the same amount of WW.

            I hope this helps and I do hope that at a later time it'll be possible to read the level of WW somewhere in the game interface...



            • #7
              Sorry Admiral PJ, but if you ever see any of my posts you will notice I hardly ever take tongue out of cheek except when I'm posting an idea (sometimes not even then... ).

              That's about as whiny as I get.

              And hey, (not you And, I'm using the conjunction here!) it's intriguing how "get a life" is so widely used here. Is this an Americanism or is it peculiar to this site. It ain't that common in my little corner of the world. Maybe it was created for the likes of yin and Lib etc and just stuck here.

              Could it be...?

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #8
                Whoops! Sorry again PJ - I called you American, forgive me... is it a North Hemisphere-ism?


                Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

