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Tiny map with no luxury resources, anyone seen this?

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  • Tiny map with no luxury resources, anyone seen this?

    This weekend I decided to play game of Civ 3 on a tiny map, I picked one with the small islands with the middle amount of water. I put the other stuff (age, temperature, etc.) on random, picked the French and set my 3 opponents on random. I had the misfortune to start out on a very small island and I noticed there were no luxury resources on this island, but I didn't think much of it at the beginning of the game. Anyway, I kept playing and even eventually won the game, but there was not a luxury resource on the whole map as far as I know. Is it because there was just so little land there wasn't room for them? Just wondered if anyone else has seen this and if anyone is interested I can post a save when I get home from work.

    Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."