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Problem Unloading Marines From Transport

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  • Problem Unloading Marines From Transport

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but this is driving me bananas...There is an enemy city on a single square of land. I cannot unload my units onto the island to attack because it is completely occupied by the city. So I created a Transport and stocked it with marines. According to the game documentation, I should be able to unload the Marines directly into the city. This isn't working. Am I doing something wrong?

    Also, is there a way to edit how much time you have to somplete the game? 2050 isn't nearly enough time, especially when I am playing with a largest-size map.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • #2
    I don't know if you can unload them directly into an enemy city in any way, but this works and should do what you're looking for..

    when the transport is in a square next to the city, right click the transport and select 'wake marine in transport'. The marine will then be selected and you can move each marine individually to attack the city.

