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UNITS: 4 hi-tech units

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  • #31
    Land transport

    It is possible because i did it and it worked. Believe it or not all you have to do is give it a value in it's transport capacity. DO NOT give it the unload ability like sea transports though, or it will crash just give it the load ability.... it works try it!!
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    • #32
      Hey guys the sound files which we are suposed to put with these units... ok some are standard but some are weird.... what's up with the other sound files? Where do you get them?
      Civ is Life, without Civ there is no life....


      • #33
        Originally posted by BlueO
        Nope, I had planned to make a land carrier, that can carry units and aircrafts, but civ3 doesn't support this feature. Land units can't carry anything at all. I have made two more amazon units though, to fill up the industrial era. That's it.

        I used lightwave, though I think 3d max would work as well.
        Good thing I read this, I was biting down to my knuckles trying to get my APC carrier in my AvP mod to carry damn marines.

        FIRAXIS: FIX THIS!!!
        I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


        • #34
          THrawn read my post 3 up

          APC's will work, read my post 3 up from this one... I SWEAR it works fine..... I tested it with warriors, it carried them 2 spaces and then they got off and attacked... no problem, no crash.
          Pentagenesis for Civ III
          Pentagenesis for Civ IV in progress
          Pentagenesis Gallery


          • #35
            Land transport is possible, and works fine for the player, but be aware that the AI does not understand this role and will not use land transport correctly.


            • #36
              OK NeOmega your units are great and I downloaded them they seem to be pretty good but there's no icon for the unit 32 pcx so post them or i can use the small image in the units 32?

              PS: thanks for the tip for apc.


              • #37
                check out my sig
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                Odysseus and the March of Time
                I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


                • #38
                  Ok, having a bit of a problem , and its probably something stupid .

                  I downloaded the CombatMecha files, added them to the RAR mod, changed the INI file name to match with how I added the unit (and pediaIcons file) to CombatMecha (no space), modified the PediaIcon file to add the small and large Icons and added the #ANIMNAME_PRTO_CombatMecha line.

                  Now my problem is that I keep getting the error:
                  "Senarios\RAR\text\PediaIcons.txt": ANIMNAME_ anytime that I try to build this unit (yes, it shows up on my build queue)(without the small icon next to it. I didn't think it mattered. I used Icon number 419 on the RAR unit Icon sheet)(Its blank)

                  What am I doing wrong? Or, what is the PRTO thing? What does it stand for?

                  PS- I have added units before (long time before), so i think I have everything covered... any suggestions? (Like is there a limit to the number of units that can be added and I have surpased it?)
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