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Additions in Map Editor

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  • Additions in Map Editor

    First of all I apologize for my poor English, I'm brazilian and english is not my native language

    I was wondering how good should be creating a WW II mod... but a GOOD one... which propose tactics and organization of troops with inteligent combat weakness and bonuses for every type of unit and situation.

    Looking at the editor I found a reasonable resource on editing units, but it lacks of somethings to turn combat a good challenge for strategies, not only stack in a mountain or charge with 200 modern armors.

    Let's get straight to the point:

    One of the ideas is the possibility to add FLAGS to the unit type and the possibility to edit these flags too. Explaining better: Let's supose 4 types of units:

    an Armored Tank 20/12/3
    a Squad of Soldiers 10/10/1
    a Squad of Anti Tank Soldiers 9/10/1
    an Anti-tank Cannon 15/15/1

    And 2 Types of Flags:

    Defensive Bonus Against Armored Vehicles +50%(flag 1)
    Attack Bonus Against Armored Vehicles +50% (flag 2)

    Ok... It the AT Squad attacks a tank it should have a bonus for attacking it, since their weapons is aimed for destroyng armored vehicles. So they should have they should have a flag 1, thus their attack strenght rise from 9 to 18, having a good advantage against the armor's defensive str. 12.

    The same apllies inverted when a tank attacks an AT Cannon (that should have flag 1, defensive bonus).

    But when attacking or being attacked by the Normal Squad of Soldiers (which has no flag) the tank's and soldiers' attack and def. str. should be normal.

    So concluding this idea... The editor could offer the possibilities to create flags like this (not 2 or 3, but much more) and editing then, and the possibility to apply it to the units. A unit could have 3 or 4 maximum flags like this... not only for attacking and defending, but for moving too, and for situations like being in a town or in a forest (a squad hiding in the forest could use guerrilla tactics against tanks advancing in the forest)... and many other possibilities that I thought but there's no room to type them.

    Proceeding to other idea that could possibly be added in the editor: The possiblity to make objects seen just by who creates them (like subs) but in ground too...
    Like fortifying, a Squad of Soldiers could hide on the terrain and wait for ambush enemy units (in a forest, jungle or mountains).
    Other point is planting Anti Personel or Anti Tank Mines, they can be saw (seen) only by who plants and could have a behavior of a terrain improvement... could add a percentage chance of them explode when a unit passes thru them (30%, 50%). A improvement that can be saw by you (who plants) and not by your enemy foes.

    The other idea is the possibility to add def/att bonus depending of where you attack from the enemy unit. It's better explanable if I draw a graphic: (i dunno if the graphic will be exactly)
    4 3 2
    ------>5 X 1
    4 3 2

    The arrow points the last movement made by the defending unit.

    If the att. unit attacks from position 1 (the front of the def unit) the defending unit has a bonus of 10% from his defending str.

    If being attacked by position 2 and 4 (flanks) it should get a penalty of 10%.

    If being attacked from position 3 (the sides) it gets his normal defending str. (no bonus or penalty) .

    If being attacked from the position 5 (rear) it should receive a 50% penalty in its defending points.

    Basically if this or something similar could be created, it could possiblity a new level of tactics. It COULD be an editable flag (adding bonus and penaltys for each type of unit).

    I'm aware that are preset flags of the units, like "can see subs" and many stuff like that, that is used in the game, but the possibility to free create flags (by scripting or a visual interface) could proportionate a new level in the creation of high quality mods, much more fun and a long life for Civ3 and its mods.

    Thanks and sorry for the "bible" written here.

    PS: if something like what i written is already possible, or there is something wrong with my text, or you want to add ideas for it, feel free to do so... I'm opened to suggestions and hope Firaxis read this topic.