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Godawful slow animations

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  • Godawful slow animations

    I haven't seen this particular problem mentioned, I don't think.

    Everything now works fine for me except for unit animations. These are so slow I can count the frames.

    I have:
    Win XP Home
    AMD 1.3 ghz
    368 RAM
    NVIDIA TNT2@ w/ latest driver
    Latest Civ patch.

    I play the game fine on a P2 400 with the integrated video card, but I really would rather not.

    Come to think of it, I also have the line drawing issue on the diplomacy screen.

    Anybody figure this one out yet?
    Last edited by Jeremy; December 20, 2001, 22:36.

  • #2
    Re: Godawful slow animations

    Originally posted by Jeremy
    I haven't seen this particular problem mentioned, I don't think.

    Everything now works fine for me except for unit animations. These are so slow I can count the frames.

    I have:

    AMD 1.3 ghz
    368 RAM
    NVIDIA TNT2@ w/ latest driver
    Latest Civ patch.

    I play the game fine on a P2 400 with the integrated video card, but I really would rather not.

    Come to think of it, I also have the line drawing issue on the diplomacy screen.

    Anybody figure this one out yet?
    What OS? What driver version is installed? The latest, AFAIK, is 23.11 (Det 4)... for TNT2, you might as well stick with the 12.xx or 14.xx driver.


    • #3
      Whoops, my bad. I changed it up top, XP home version.

      I've tried the older drivers to no avail. And really, if going back to an older driver is the answer then I'll just stick to no animations.
      Last edited by Jeremy; December 20, 2001, 22:44.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jeremy
        Whoops, my bad. I changed it up top, XP home version.

        I've tried the older drivers to no avail. And really, if going back to an older driver is the answer then I'll just stick to no animations.
        (On a side note - have you gone to Microsoft's site and patched your XP yet?)

        Hmm... I don't have XP, so no experience there. However, I'm building two machines for a client and putting XP home on them... since I will have them for a while for burn-in, I could just test Civ 3 on those and see how they fare. One is a GeForce 2 MX200, and the other is a GeForce 256 DDR. Time permitting (you know holiday weeks), I'll exploit this unique opportunity for some video driver testing...


        • #5
          Ok, the first XP home machine just booted up to the poofy desktop on its very first bootup. Hopefully, I'll get it configured, backed up, and loaded with Civ 3 for testing before tonight is out .

          (It's 10:30PM here - CST, so only a few hours left before turning in...)


          • #6
            I'm on E.S.T. but I'll be up for hours. I'm going to attempt some Christmas shopping but not until about 2AM.

            Good luck.


            • #7
              Sorry, but I still haven't been able to test. I just learned the hard way that Drive Image 4 does not support XP, so I just forked over some cash to upgrade. I should have some testing running soon, though, so keep watching this thread!

              (BTW, the test machine in question is a Duron 1GHz with 256MB DDR, and a GF2MX200 video, so we can test the performance angle, as well - see another thread in this forum!)


              • #8
                Ok, I'm installing Civ 3 on the new XP machine I just built.

                (On a side note, XP Home edition is certainly no W2K!)

                I'll have some results soon, so consider this post a *bump*.


                • #9
                  I'm having this problem too. For comparison, my system is:
                  WinXP Home
                  AMD 1.53 GHz
                  512 DDR RAM
                  nVidia GeForce2 mx400 64 MB (latest drivers)

                  I've tried lots of things...Uninstalling/Reinstalling with and without the patch, trying to change the refresh rate, trying to run compatibility mode (Win 98/ME compat. would not run at all, 2000 would at the same slow rate), changing hardware acceleration, rolling back/updating drivers, and nothing works...I was just giving up and emailing IG, but their email support is down, so I came here.
                  Thanks for your help, hope ya get results soon


                  • #10
                    This is my first chance to get back to this site since xmas day (major end-of-year OT at work).

                    Anyway, I was bitten by the refresh rate bug and was unable to get around it. Time permitting this weekend, I'll get back to it, as I'm dying to get some results...

