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MOD: Civilization Name Lists

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  • #16
    Thanks for your help XYZ. I will update the collection ASAP.
    Citizen of the World


    • #17
      Here is an updated Zulu file.

      I recommend changing the name from Zululand to KwaZulu.

      Attached Files


      • #18
        Here is the Iroquois names file.

        A few notes:

        I followed my own city name list process of naming tribes rather than cities. The reson for this being that the Iroquois are supposed to represent NA natives as a whole, so they are reflected here. (The Barbarian list may need to be changed accordingly)

        The list comes from reliable sources, but there may be some cases where two tribes are really culturally the same, etc. This was impossible to avoid.

        Let me know if you have any comments.

        BTW - I think these names should be prioritized rather than alphabetized.

        Otherwise, we'll have a lot of cities starting with 'A', and we might never see New York, Shanghai or Tokyo being built by their respective civs.

        My two lists follow darkangel's format, but I'm pushing for prioritization.

        I can do my two files.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by wyz_sub10; December 26, 2001, 20:04.


        • #19
          My lists are alphabetized to prevent redundant names. After all lists are done I want to randomise them. That is why all the capital cities are seperated from the normal cities in the list.

          Thanks for your help wyx you will get full credit in the mod. Now only Babylon to do yet. I really want to use cities from the golden age but I cannot find a resource with that many names so I may end up using late age cities.
          Citizen of the World


          • #20
            Getting 100 golden age cities is difficult because, in some cases, there just were not 100 "cities" in existence. For the native americans and Babylonia peoples, you're dealing with nomadic tribes in many cases.

            If we broaden Babylon to include Akkadians, Phoenecians, Summerians, etc., we should be able to get a good number.

            I can take that on if you like.

            BTW, it's not xyz or's Wyz.


            • #21
              Cool! If you want to do Babylon as well -go for it!

              BTW: we we both got your handle wrong!

              Thanks wyz!
              Citizen of the World


              • #22
                Here is the Babylon file (100 cities + 10 leaders).

                The cities are very accurate. Most are from the golden period, and those that aren't are from archeological sites in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. (you may want to cross-reference the Persian file for duplication).

                Some of the Firaxis cities were two names for the same place.

                Akkad, Sumer and Susa are regions, rather than cities, but they included smaller settlements not listed here, so it's not too bad.

                A few cities (not many) are from Phoenician and Assyrian kingdoms, but that fits with Firaxis' intention, as I understand it.
                Attached Files


                • #23
                  Hey darkangel, what's the status?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by wyz_sub10
                    Here is an updated Zulu file.

                    I recommend changing the name from Zululand to KwaZulu.

                    Great idea, Wyz. I'm tired of being annoyed by "Zululand."

                    This raises another issue: should each civ be named in its own language? For example, Deutsch instead of German.


                    • #25
                      It's a good idea, but Civ3 doesn't handle some alphabet characters very well (I thought I saw some German names screwed up in Civ3, maybe not).

                      In many cases, I tried to keep the city names in the original format for civs that I did.

                      I do think you have a point, though.


                      • #26
                        If you want some input on Greek City names I am more than happy to lend a hand!
                        I just love Civ (AND I HOPE THERE IS MORE THAN 3)


                        • #27
                          Thanks for your help!

                          With the addition of wyz's last update the city lists are done!

                          Now we must finish the leader lists!!

                          I have another thread on that topic if anybody wants to hop on it so we can keep all the info together.

                          By the way I will post the finalised project to a different thread rather then this one as it is rather long. I will post a message to this one letting everybody know the new thread.

                          Also I'm sorry I have not been more active the past two weeks. But the boards were down and I had much to do work wise.

                          Anyway, I'm back in the groove!
                          Citizen of the World

