Every time I start Civ3, the monitor resizes several times in order to play the opening movie. Not only is it a waste of my time and the cause of otherwise unecessary mouse and/or keyborad clicks, but I don't think it's healthy in the long run for the monitor to go through so many unecessary video mode changes. Does anyone know how to disable the opening movie? The "disableopeningmovie=1" from Alpha Centauri doesn't work in the ini file.
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How can I disable the opening movie?
You can rename the movie to something else so it can't find it and won't try to play it, it is in the civ3/movies folder and it called intro.*** (I don't know the extension). Hopefully that will stop the resizing.
-quinallaJacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."