Well, here's the story:
Today I downloaded the Hacked Civ3Edit.exe. I added a tech, a wonder and a unit, which would come available with the new tech. I edited the civilopedia and added:
^Gives all naval vessels a +1 movement bonus.
^May trigger $LINK for Expansionistic civilizations.
^The second of three sons of Erik the Red, the first European colonizer of Greenland, Leif sailed from
Greenland to Norway in 1000, according to the Icelandic EirÃks saga ("Saga of Erik"), and was there
converted to Christianity by the Norwegian king Olaf I Tryggvason. The following year Leif was commissioned
by Olaf to urge Christianity upon the Greenland settlers. He sailed off course on the return voyage and landed
on the North American continent at a region he called Vinland (possibly Nova Scotia), perhaps because of the
wild grapes and fertile land he found there.
And then I wanted to add some graphics. I surfed on the net and found a nice little picture I wanted for my wonder. I changed its size and saved one called, "TransatlanticVoyagelarge.pcx" (128x128) and another "TransatlanticVoyagesmall.pcx" (32x32). I made sure that they where exactly the same sizes as the old ones. I saved them as "version 5" pcx-files. I then edited the PediaIcons.txt file, adding the lines (the asterisks are just there to make the new lines clear):
*art\civilopedia\icons\buildings\TransatlanticVoya gelarge.pcx
*art\civilopedia\icons\buildings\TransatlanticVoya gesmall.pcx
Now when I opened the Civilopedia, the small image showed as black with some colored lines on them, and the large one was pink.
I then saved the large-version as a version 2-pcx, and lowered the image to only 16 colors, but still it didn't show in the ingame- civilopedia...
What am I doing wrong?
Today I downloaded the Hacked Civ3Edit.exe. I added a tech, a wonder and a unit, which would come available with the new tech. I edited the civilopedia and added:
^Gives all naval vessels a +1 movement bonus.
^May trigger $LINK
^The second of three sons of Erik the Red, the first European colonizer of Greenland, Leif sailed from
Greenland to Norway in 1000, according to the Icelandic EirÃks saga ("Saga of Erik"), and was there
converted to Christianity by the Norwegian king Olaf I Tryggvason. The following year Leif was commissioned
by Olaf to urge Christianity upon the Greenland settlers. He sailed off course on the return voyage and landed
on the North American continent at a region he called Vinland (possibly Nova Scotia), perhaps because of the
wild grapes and fertile land he found there.
And then I wanted to add some graphics. I surfed on the net and found a nice little picture I wanted for my wonder. I changed its size and saved one called, "TransatlanticVoyagelarge.pcx" (128x128) and another "TransatlanticVoyagesmall.pcx" (32x32). I made sure that they where exactly the same sizes as the old ones. I saved them as "version 5" pcx-files. I then edited the PediaIcons.txt file, adding the lines (the asterisks are just there to make the new lines clear):
*art\civilopedia\icons\buildings\TransatlanticVoya gelarge.pcx
*art\civilopedia\icons\buildings\TransatlanticVoya gesmall.pcx
Now when I opened the Civilopedia, the small image showed as black with some colored lines on them, and the large one was pink.
I then saved the large-version as a version 2-pcx, and lowered the image to only 16 colors, but still it didn't show in the ingame- civilopedia...
What am I doing wrong?
