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Cruise Missiles, AEGIS Cruisers, and happy fun!

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  • Cruise Missiles, AEGIS Cruisers, and happy fun!

    Hi everyone,

    I'm not sure if this has been answered before. I'm trying to do a global mod (nothing incredible, just some changes for my personal enjoyment). I wanted to make it possible to load cruise missiles onto AEGIS cruisers and nuclear subs. I know that the "Carries Tactical Missiles" flag enables a ship to carry tactical nukes, and that there's no "Carries Cruise Missiles" flag. Has anyone tried turning on the "Tactical Missile" flag for Cruise Missiles? If so, do you have to turn of "Cruise Missile" flag at the same time? Does this screw up Cruise Missile operation?

  • #2
    To implement what you want, you'll etiher have to make the cruise missles tactical missiles or the AEGIS able to cary land units. To test wheater making the cruise missle a tactical missle messes up something you can make cruise missles and AEGISs avalible with bronze working and test in a very short game.


    • #3
      It won't work without making other parts of the game weird. I already tried it. I renamed cruise missile to "Missile Barrage" to make it more realistic, made it an air unit, and checked the foot unit flag. I made the AEGIS cruiser able to carry one unit and checked the Aircraft Carrier flag and the Carry foot units only flag, but the unit wouldn't load onto the cruiser. I checked several other things, and as far as i can tell, the best thing would be to get rid of the helicopter, make the cruise missile the only one with the foot unit flag, and make the AEGIS carry foot units only. Unfortunately, the transport would be able to carry cruise missiles, but they already can, I think.


      • #4
        Skywalker: You were on the right track. Leave Cruise missiles as ground units, and this can be made to work.

        Unit changes:

        Cruise Missile:

        Set the Tactical Missile and Footsoldier flags.
        Set the "Load" special ability

        AEGIS Cruiser:

        Set the "Can carry Tactical Missiles" flag.
        Set the "Can carry Footsoldiers only" flag.
        Set the "Missile Transport" role flag (this is in addition to the "Naval Superiority" role flag.)
        Set the "Unload" special ability.
        Adjust the number of holds to the desired amount (I find 2 works well).

        Voila. You may now carry Cruise Missiles on both Nuclear Subs and AEGIS cruisers, but only Nuclear Subs can carry Tactical Nukes.

        Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
        I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


        • #5

          Set the "Missile Transport" role flag (this is in addition to the "Naval Superiority" role flag.)
          I did some testing last night and found out that this wasn't necessary for loading missiles onto the cruisers. This makes sense, since the role comments are strictly information for the AI on how to use the unit. What I wanted to know was whether this generated any irregularities for you in terms of AI behavior.

          I'm actually increasing the missile capacity on the AEGIS and cutting the bombard strength, to make the major stand-off battle capacity

          On a side note, it looks really silly in my test game to have the cruise missile "walk" along the roads with an enhanced movement rate. I'm thinking of making cruise and tactical missiles immobile and adding a "Missile Truck" unit at 0/0/1 that can carry two tactical missiles, to simulate both missile transport and one of the more amusing MAD tactics which involved having such trucks (or train cars) ride around endlessly as a form of invulnerable second strike.

