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SCENARIO: Discworld, a Fantasy Comedy

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  • SCENARIO: Discworld, a Fantasy Comedy

    I've started a full Scenario Mod for Civ3 based on Terry Pratchetts DISCWORLD Novels (over 25 disc books released since 1985).
    This is a british fantasy epic fantasy world, with many hilarious characters of all shapes, sizes and flavors.

    It includes , to start with:
    Ye Ankh Morporkians, the main player Civ based around a huge metropolis city (which is actually a number of civ cities alltogether
    one is the Unseen University where magical wizards use Thaumic Energy Resources to create mysterious and deadly Dungeon Dimension monsters and create great Spell Wonders to amaze the world. Theres also the Dwarf quarter full of Taverns and Industrial printworks and Workshops.)

    Dwarven Culture:
    Dwarves are the capitalists, mad about Gold and Gems and Beer(luxury) in any order. Get the strategic resource of Gold and you can build and hire Dwarf Mercenaries and Dwarf mining colonies and also Dwarf Workers and Factory workshops.

    Troll culture: Trolls are hard as rock.. literally, making the toughest fighters in defence. Their downfall is their great stupidity. They live up in the Central mountains guarding their territory viciously.. some more modern trolls have immigrated to Ankh Morpork though where they are tolerated to an extent.

    Ephebians: Greek like philosophers who prance about in Togas.
    They are great scientists and politicians, but don't like to talk with the 'barbarian' foreigners.

    Omnians: Religious desert dwellers who worship the Turtle god Om. Gods are known to exist therefore they do on the disc.. but are best left alone or your armies are likely to become firewood after several lightning strikes.

    Klatchians: Kind of French, the enemies of the Ankh Morporkians. Their famous Conscripted Klatchian Foreign Legion is a powerful force. Beware of their Culture.. Garlic is a powerful weapon in the wrong hands. The Klatch-Morpork war didn't seem to have any reason to start other than the Klatchian girls not wearing any underwear.

    Lancre: a small magical mountain kingdom

    Uberwald : germany stories tell of Evil Vampires , Magic Eels that emit a lot of deadly 'Dark' light and great big sausages.

    Special characters which have magic items or swords that can be found on great quests, which have to be researched first to plan thouroughly.
    Characters like Rincewind the Failed Wizard, expert in running AWAY from things (fast movement) but his Luggage he takes around with him is poweful in attack, its a big chest with hundreds of legs propeling it fast into the enemy or just anyone who looks a bit unfriendly.. and itself can magically carry an infinite supply of goodies. Rincewind belongs to the Unseen University.

    Lance Corporal Angua - A beautiful female Werewolf, and also a member of Ankh Morporks Watch (an old Police organisation)
    great at recceing to find enemy units or new territory.

    The Orangutang Librarian - the Universities ex-human librarian, don't call him monkey or he'll squash you to the size of a banana.
    Carries magic spellbooks.

    Granny Weatherwax - known as battleax to her enemies, an old 'good' witch from the Kingdom of Lancre,

    Ordinary units-
    Horsedrawn Carriages - require horses, can carry 3 footunits per cart.

    Barbarians - Don't cause a war when used (like Privateers theyre seen as neutral). Good at attack but weak in defence, as there aren't a lot of them per unit.

    Heroes - replace Leaders. Can take 5 units.

    Flying Witches - can fly over water or land like Civ2's helicopters (AI can't use this yet tho)

    special improvements, techs etc as well as multiple special units only usable with certain civs.
    (anyone got this working succesfully yet?)
    More use of artillery with land units, such as artillery attacks from Dragons (dragon-fire balls - ouch!)

    I'm working on a map right now, this world is based on a disc, so you can't sail around the world (will just have to block off the edges with a big layer mountains for now)

    I really need help with graphics and design and technical stuff. Everything basically, I don't have time to do everything if this is going to be a good quality game..
    Anyone interested reply here and/or

    email to

    You don't need to have read much of the Discworld material though it would help - I have the discworld encyclopedia book thing for referance.

    I also hope to be adding some interesting new features that civ3 hasn't touched much on.

  • #2

    Brilliant! I love those books

    Any referance help you need beyond Interesting Times (I think the encyclopedia covers up to) I can help, and I can probably knock together some unit graphics (though I don't have Civ3, so they'll just be the plain pics).
    There is a CtP2 map of the disc too.

    ...and what about the Agatean Empire and XXXX?
    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis

