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resources - assigned at map generation or at discovery time?

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  • resources - assigned at map generation or at discovery time?


    Do strategic resource locations get assigned at map generation time, or when the resources are first "discovered"?

    That is, if you hack down all that useless jungle, does it mean your coal and rubber is gone when you make the appropriate tech advances?

  • #2
    They are placed at the map generation. I think that it means that the resources are lost.

    If you did cut down the forests before you know you could use them for others, you can't just go to Mother Nature and say: "I didn't knew that the forest was useful, and get it back."
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      As Gramphos said, they are placed when the map is generated, but as far as I know, they don't get lost if you clear the jungles or forests. And I belive that the AI sees them before it discovers the required tech. I've seen many times the AI to build cities in the middle of deserts (when there are many vancant plains and grasslans), which would become oil fields after the discovery of refining.


      • #4
        And I belive that the AI sees them before it discovers the required tech. I've seen many times the AI to build cities in the middle of deserts (when there are many vancant plains and grasslans), which would become oil fields after the discovery of refining.
        No, actually it's because the AI likes to spread like maggots on a rotting corpse, regardless of whether there's flesh or bone there.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bilo
          And I belive that the AI sees them before it discovers the required tech. I've seen many times the AI to build cities in the middle of deserts (when there are many vancant plains and grasslans), which would become oil fields after the discovery of refining.
          Good observation. I believe you are correct. It would explain some of the AI's strange behaviour when it comes to dropping cities in the middle of useless tundra.

          Alas, it seems that there's yet another bug to be added to the growing list... Has it been mentioned in the bug thread?


          • #6
            I also have seen the AI in guise of the zulu's .. drop a city in the middle of the desert where I had just discovered Saltpetre .. I noticed that the russian settler was after gems, but the moment I discovered Gunpowder .. about turned , and headed for the desert ... thats when the zulu's appeared suddenly from ship) ..

            im thinking they see it, when you see it ... as its the only thing which can explain the odd behaviour of the russian settler.

            Of course, it didn't matter .. I destroyed the zulu settlement, and took the city + saltpetre .... saved me a settler I guess.., and the russian settler headed back for the gems !!!!
            "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon

