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The Official Apolyton Bug List Version 2.0

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  • #91
    Intel 82810 Chipset-- Graphics Problem

    Please help me! My graphics card is part of the Intel 82810 Chipset, and I've encountered several graphics-related problems. The most important is a problem with the Foreign Advisor. I haven't been able to find a pattern, but occasionally other leaders' heads fail to appear on the Foreign Advisor screen, making it impossible to contact them without searching for one of their units and right-clicking it. Where their heads should be, I find a yellow disc, and when I attempt to contact it, it sends me to a leader already on the screen.

    Also, text appears completely out of place on the diplomacy screens and on the civiliopedia, and I've found myself having to guess at what I'm telling my opponents.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Shane Lawrence


    • #92
      Hmm... So you can see the pictures of them sometimes?

      First off, I checked with Intel and there are some issues with DOS games, not sure if this is the root of the problem or not but try:

      This is for the drivers, but you should read the info first:

      You might want to check with the manufacturer of your video card first and see if they've done anything as far as 'updated drivers' and such.


      • #93
        Too Many Resources (STILL)

        I've had this bug since the original unpatched version and posted it once here, four times to Infogrames Support (with NO response) and all the patches up to 1.29f have NOT fixed this issue.

        I have a save game you will have to reference, let me know where to send it - OR - you can download it from:

        I've tried this game on 3 different machines and I have the same issue on all three machines.

        Game Year 1920, I launch an attack and take over a city (Mauk Chuk) with 3 ivory resources around it. The game crashes whether I choose to raze the city or take it over with my own governer. It crashes as soon as I decide to install my own governer. If I raze the city, depending on which patch I've played with, it either crashes right then or when I end my turn.

        I suspect this is because of the amount of resources I currently have and I am adding a yet another new resource.

        PLEASE HELP!


        • #94
          Well, I've tried your saved game...

          From the looks of it, it looks like your using a Mod cause you can see the rest of the units, even those that are 'under cover' that are in the areas that are shaded. And for the Cruise Misslies too, I thought they were suppose to be based only in cities and not out in the open as they are in that saved game.

          So if you are using a MOD then that is where the problem lies because I encounted the same error. You can get those errors from using saved game editors and other 'modifying' programs too, so that maybe another source of your errors.

          That's why I prefer not to use any mods and just play the game 'as is'.


          • #95
            Palace enhancements not saved?

            I resumed a saved game today and was soon notified that the people were going to improve the palace.
            I was suprised to find all of the previous improvements were gone... just left with the basice cave.
            I don't recall seeing this glitch before.

            Windows ME -CIV 3 1.29f NO MODS


            • #96
              That may only happen with saves from previous versions. All of the patches have had some type of issues with saves from previous versions.


              • #97
                CPU usage pegged when the game shouldn't be "thinking" about anything.

                (Sorry for re-posting this. Just wanted to add it to the list. Firaxis says there's no fix.)

                I just started a new game on a Tiny map with one other civilization. I have yet to make my first move. The usual "It is the year 4000 BC . . ." dialog box is visible. I Alt-Tab back to IE to continue typing this message and check CPU usage. Civilization3.exe is at 0% usage.

                I switch back to Civ3 and hit Enter to dismiss the dialog box. I Alt-Tab back over here. Lo and behold, Civilization3.exe is now using all available CPU cycles. And I have 54 MB of physical memory free. If I closed IE and Outlook, I'd have 84 MB free. The hard drive is silent. There is no swapping going on. Page Faults Delta for Civilization3.exe is at zero. The game is just sitting there waiting for me to move. CPU usage is at 100%. This should not be the case.

                System Details:
                Windows XP (fully patched)
                Dell Inspiron 7500
                500 MHz P3
                256 MB
                ATI Rage Mobility graphics chipset (latest drivers)
                1.29F patch


                • #98
                  I'm not using a mod - it's been ages since I looked at this saved game, but I believe I spied to get their units location and the CM's have been moved up in preparation for some bombing ...

                  Next please ...

                  Originally posted by ACTD_Ran
                  From the looks of it, it looks like your using a Mod cause you can see the rest of the units, even those that are 'under cover' that are in the areas that are shaded. And for the Cruise Misslies too, I thought they were suppose to be based only in cities and not out in the open as they are in that saved game.

                  So if you are using a MOD then that is where the problem lies because I encounted the same error. You can get those errors from using saved game editors and other 'modifying' programs too, so that maybe another source of your errors.


                  • #99
                    New bug in 1.29f:

                    (1) The start of this thread stated a known bug of "After a successful battle with barbarians..., a unit being promoted makes the game think the Warrior unit has a second move..." is there. It is true, as I have seen this bug since the first version with no patches (1.06?). However, in version 1.29f it happens all the time, and is more annoying than ever.

                    (2) I just found an interesting one in 1.29f. I created a Pikeman in a city, and I wanted to move it a long way up a continent. When I click-and-dragged to scroll up the screen, I passed over the edge of the continent into uncharted water. It said the Pikeman *WAS* able to go there in something like 45 turns. I decided to explore this and scrolled up the screen more. When the number reached 108 (not kidding), I think I reached the top edge of the map (it was all black/unexplored). However, the game froze. I had the salute the game and kill it.

                    (3) 1.29f makes all the other civs feisty compared to older versions. They have gone to war with me three times out of four when I hadn't done anything to them to warrant it. Perhaps they thought I was weak, due to the way army strength is changed in the version. This makes early gameplay harder, even in the easy levels (one up from lowest).

                    (4) Thank you for "accelerated production". It makes the slow gameplay tolerable.


                    • I found a bug.

                      I was playing as the English, and I sometimes like to hide the interface by hitting the delete key.

                      Well I had met the Russians and I bought their world map for 101g and ended the meeting. But when I turned the interface back on (hitting delete), the map was not shown. So I left the interface on and tried again, (only cost me 1g to buy their world map this time), and the map appeared.

                      So it seems after you buy a map with the interface off, you won't see the map at all; even if you turn the interface on afterwards.
                      be free


                      • For some reason, I cannot build the Hoover Dam in two cities (Elephantine and Grand River). Both have the same river within their radii. Elephantine(which also cannot build SW's -Forbidden Palace and Battlefield Medicine) is seperated from the river by a channel, but Grand River is ON the river! I don't know if this is causing a confict or not.

                        I've checked all the production queues, so no other cities are going to build them. I tried abandoning Grand River, but to no avail.

                        Plz tell me if I'm over looking something obvious. I do believe this is a true bug though. I want to win this game so thx for any feed back.

                        My PC spec:
                        Win2000 SP2
                        533mhz Celeron
                        256Mb Ram
                        Ati Radeon 8500
                        SB live
                        Attached Files
                        I love PEPSI! (twitching and shivering profusely)


                        • Its not a bug! Just read the FAQ's...Should of done that to start with! Doh!
                          I love PEPSI! (twitching and shivering profusely)


                          • hoover dam

                            Originally posted by HAND
                            For some reason, I cannot build the Hoover Dam in two cities (Elephantine and Grand River). Both have the same river within their radii. Elephantine(which also cannot build SW's -Forbidden Palace and Battlefield Medicine) is seperated from the river by a channel, but Grand River is ON the river! I don't know if this is causing a confict or not.

                            I've checked all the production queues, so no other cities are going to build them. I tried abandoning Grand River, but to no avail.

                            Plz tell me if I'm over looking something obvious. I do believe this is a true bug though. I want to win this game so thx for any feed back.
                            finish for iron (needed for factory) factory (needed for a dam) ..... build Hoover Dam..........fini


                            • battlefield medicine

                              Originally posted by HAND
                              For some reason, I cannot build the battlefield Medicine)
                              need 5 hospitals


                              • PBEM Shield and Food Bug?

                                Looks like PBEM has a problem. I have three games going currently (or had) and had the same problem on each. After about the third turn on one game we noticed that shields and surplus food was not being credited to the city in question. This means that the cities will never produce anything and will never grow. Is anyone else noticing this problem?

