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The Official Apolyton Bug List Version 2.0

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  • #16
    Unverified Bugs:

    Interface Issues:

    Foreign Advisor screen fails to show some leaders even though continuous ongoing exchanges exist (trade, per turn, etc.)

    Foreign Advisor screen shows one or more leaders twice, only the second one is just a ring or a single colored disc.


    • #17
      Re: Re: Crashes in 3rd age with new patch

      Originally posted by Phalanx2000

      Yes, this issue still exists. Dan said on another thread that this error may be generated by colors (that post was on 11-11-2001) and i don't know if it got addressed by the patch. I'm patched and I'm still getting this issue every 3rd or 4th game. Map sizes, number of civs...doesnt matter. Nothing on my end is changed either by an editor or otherwise. I'm playing straight out of the box + patch.

      Somebody please address this issue.
      I also have this problem :
      "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


      • #18
        Problem where game will crash at start of player moving-units-around part of the turn, ie it happens AFTER your cities build.

        Game crashes to desktop, displaying a message like "Civilization 3 has causes errors in Civilization3.e.exe.."

        Will post exact details when I get home from work, but here is the thread dealing with it (no fixes yet!)


        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #19
          Graphical Issue

          At no point in any game have I been able to see lines in the foreign advisor screen showing who is what to whom. I've shift click to select multiple people, restart my computer and games, and still I have to operate diplomatically out of memory, or through the tedium of initiating dialogue and seeing what active agreements there are.

          Game crash
          Civ 3 froze once when I was in my military advisor screen and went from clicking to change which civ's stats I was looking at to clicking on the captured units

          I managed to fix the foreign advisor problem by installing OpenGL found at:
          Last edited by JamesJKirk; January 10, 2002, 15:33.


          • #20
            As the Greeks in the 3rd Apolyton tournament game, I took over a Chinese city. The city has an aqueduct, and I can't sell it. If I right click on the aqueduct, I am given the option to select one of two help screens, but no "Sell". This has gone on for several turns, the city is well beyond the resistance phase, and has been starved down to size 3. I do have the option of selling a harbor that the Chinese built in a different captured city.


            • #21
              Crash when wiping out the english

              I'm currently at year 1655 in the Industrial age playing as the French. I'm playing on a huge, random map with 8 other civs (9 including myself). I decided to finish my second war with the English by wiping them out completly (in my first war I took most of the plains they were occupying and squeezed them into the arse end of the continent we were on with about 4 cities left where they've languished in the Ancient ages ever since).

              Anyway, I took over all their cities and then found one lone galley. Whenever I destroy said galley though, I get the message telling me that the english have been exterminated and the game immediatly crashes with an "Illegal operation" (before I have a chance to respond to the dialogue). I've seen other posts relating to crashes during the 3rd age, so I'm guessing this may be related.

              My system is a P2 400, 128MB RAM, GeForce DDR, 400MB fixed swapfile, SB Live, Win98.

              Savegame file is included. Just load it up, use the frigate to sink the damaged galley and watch it crash (or if it doesnt, please please reply )

              Oh, and on a final note. I notice that zipping up savegame files reduces their size by about a factor of 10 or more, so why doesnt Civ3 automatically compress its savegame files? I'm running fairly short on HD space (which isnt a prob for VM as I fixed the swapfile size) and I wouldnt mind waiting a bit longer for games to save/load if it stopped my saves dir eating up nearly 100MB. And its such a pain to have to go to the saves dir in explorer too, why isnt there an option to delete saves in game? Things that should be added to the next patch methinks .
              Attached Files


              • #22
                galley crash when eliminating rival civ

                OK, I have had this problem too, and received two responses from Infrogames. Basically, when you have just a galley to destroy, and it has a settler on it, you have to wait till it lands and the settler disembarks. If you destroy it at see, the game thinks that civ has -1 units, and causes a crash.


                • #23
                  I cant change the name of the units
                  Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                  religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                  • #24

                    games freezes when a city defects to my side because of culture. this happens every time, to the point where i don't build culture buildings near enemy borders...

                    (p3 800, geforce2mx400, 20gb hd, x48 cdrom, soundblasterpro)


                    • #25
                      I've recently installed the latest patch (took a break from Civ3 for awhile, am now back to playing it) and have noticed the following:

                      Foreign Advisor screen: The "relationship lines" between leaders appears when I first load up a game, but after one turn has passed the lines are gone.


                      • #26
                        bug for bug list

                        When you have several scouts out at one time and more than one enters a barbarian camp to get gold, a map or technology, the game will often flash to the scout showing that it entered the camp (which disappears) but doesn't say what happened.


                        • #27
                          Ok currently this glitch is causing me some pretty harsh gloom and doom.....

                          i have a 2 movement point tank, take it and assault a square with a single enemy unit. if i vanquish it, i roll over it and can attack another square.

                          if i do the same exact thing, except assault a square with multiple units in it.... if i win combat victory, that's it. my turn is over for that tank. but wait i thought i have two movement points and i can attack multiple times??? so why the harsh penalty for attacking a square with multiple units in it??? i mean geez it would almost seem logical that a multi-attack unit would attack a square with multiple units in it. i'm not talking about a city here i'm talking about out in the open terrain of the fertile steppe.

                          so now i run my tanks around my railroad networks looking to assault squares with just 1 unit in them so i can do multiple attacks... lame workaround... the enemy can bring a stack of 8 knights *KNIGHTS* at me, i need to respond with *8* tanks!! ugh

                          I COMMAND A FIX TO BE ISSUED IMMEDIATELY


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Oddible
                            Unverified Bugs:

                            Interface Issues:

                            Foreign Advisor screen fails to show some leaders even though continuous ongoing exchanges exist (trade, per turn, etc.)

                            Foreign Advisor screen shows one or more leaders twice, only the second one is just a ring or a single colored disc.
                            Hi Oddible. What you describe is exactly the same problem I started experiencing a few days ago. I've been playing the game for about two months, no problem, then one day this just started happening--there's a ghostly yellow disc that shows up when you run the mouse cursor over it, then it disappears. In the text box at the top left, a notation appears identifying the civ, and it's always a duplicate (sometimes triplicate) of a civ leader whose portrait already appears correctly. There's no way to prompt it to show the missing civs. Even when I reboot it's the same thing. I haven't tried uninstall/reinstall yet.

                            Do you know if there is a way to fix this?




                            • #29
                              This Savegame will crash if you hit return


                              If you load this savegame

                              hit return and let the other civics move it will crash after the English and the American declare war.

                              I run it under Engl. Windows 2k.

                              The bug it is tested and confirmed on another machine.


                              • #30
                                Illegal Operation on Too Many Resources

                                Win2K, Athlong 1.2, 512RAM
                                Trying to conquer the world, take over a city which will put you in range for one more luxury resource.
                                Game crashes.
                                Save game available.
                                None of the patches including recent 1.17f (whatever) fix this.

