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No resources, game ends in 1969

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  • No resources, game ends in 1969

    I have two questions:

    First I want to know why I never get the strategic resource of coal. The AI got it hundreds of years ago and although I have the largest area there is no coal. I got the necessary technology only a few years after the others.

    I also want to know why the game suddenly ended in 1969 instead of 2050. (normal game, not a scenario)

    Will the patch v116f fix this?

  • #2
    Edit: Wrong Thread

    Can you post the SAV that ended?
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      Här är sav filen. Spelet slutar efter 1 turn. Har installerat patchen men det hjälper inte.


      • #4
        Originally posted by johan81
        Här är sav filen. Spelet slutar efter 1 turn. Har installerat patchen men det hjälper inte.
        Du måste zippa filen för att den ska rymmas som bifogad fil.
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • #5
          This may not be quite what you wanted to know, but it might be news to somebody.

          The game allocates strategic resources on a sort of modified random basis and they can end up all over the place. Depending on your luck you may get plenty or none. It also uses a percentage chance that it will disappear on any given turn (not related to whether it's been used or not).

          To see more (or to change how it works if you don't think that this adds a fun element to the game) you can use the editor. You can change both the likelihood of finding it, and the disappearing chances.

          To do this, back up your civ3mod file first, then untick "Use default rules" under Tools, then open "Edit rules" (Under rules??).

          There's a tab for resources. I've been considering changing my rules after getting set for a space race finish only to find I had no Aluminium so couldn't start. I gave or traded the other civs enough techs to discover Aluminium but nobody had a surplus that they could trade with me.

          For a better explanation of this, there is a help button in the editor that will give you more info too (once you are on the screen that shows the resources).


          • #6
            Ok, här är den zippad. Har kollat runt lite och jag verkar vara den enda som har problemet att spelet slutar i förtid.


            • #7
              At last...
              Attached Files


              • #8
                I haven't tried space victory yet, but it seems as if the Iroquois wins as soon as they complete their last Space Ship part. (And then directly launching the spaceship.)

                From the manual I get that the ship only need to be launched to win. However I think that there should be some sort of popup.
                Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                • #9
                  If you want to turn off space victory, you can do that with C3CT.
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • #10
                    I'm playing two games right now, one at home and one at work. In both of them I got Steam Power about 100 years ago and have about 1/4 of the land, but can't find coal anywhere. I've looked all through the others lands and can't find any there either, and none of them show that they have coal when I goto trade with them.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by haggertyb
                      I'm playing two games right now, one at home and one at work. In both of them I got Steam Power about 100 years ago and have about 1/4 of the land, but can't find coal anywhere. I've looked all through the others lands and can't find any there either, and none of them show that they have coal when I goto trade with them.
                      But do all the other civs have Steam Power yet? A civ can't trade what it hasn't found. Sometimes (if you can't wait) you have to trade/give them a few techs to get them up to speed so you can trade the resource you want.

                      Of course this can be risky and it doesn't always pay off either. I got 3 other civs up to speed like this recently and not one of them had a surplus to trade (it was Aluminium in my case). So no Space Race for me that game.


                      • #12
                        I seem to be talking to myself here, but here goes with one last try.

                        Unless I've misunderstood what you're asking, the answers would seem to be:

                        1) You are not guaranteed to get coal. It will be distributed around the map and other civs may have "your" share. It can also randomly disappear and will reappear elsewhere on the map (again not necessarily in your territory). The Germans appear to have coal to spare in your game. Sometimes you need to fight or trade for a resource.

                        2) You lost the game because the other civs were engaged in a space race that you weren't taking part in. Somebody launched and won. Looking at their techs, any of the other three look advanced enough to have done it, but the Americans look to be a couple of turns away (I could see one city that was 3 turns off making a part for the ship). You could try investigating all the cities to see which one was building which parts - but I couldn't spare the time! (And you'd need older games also, to fully check).

                        However, your Hall of Fame entry says quite clearly that you lost the Space Race.

                        Looks like you'd played a good game too, so it must have been a real disappointment.


                        • #13
                          yup, it's random

                          of course, the randomness is usually against you, the player =)
                          on my recent huge acheipelago (sp) i play, i have ONE coal in my zone, and i have own about 1/5 of the whole map

                          scanning the map, i saw 3 whole coals sticking together on a "neck" territory of the aztecs

                          fearing my coal may go poof, i went and sent troops and set up a city there, all 4 coals i see in the whole map now belong to me, hehe

                          but like usual, i quit the game 'cause it's too tedious to go on, and i know i am already winning (about at least half era ahead of the second most advanced civ)

                          another thing i hate about AI is the constant border violation
                          same unit(s), same movement, same "automatically remove" troops
                          it sucks really bad when u have to ask them to leave every other turn!! (not as bad as having to assign jobs to each and every worker, urgh!)

                          anyone know if the editor is capable of doubling worker speed per era? meaning 4x woker speed the moment u enter modern age
                          AI expansion is bad.
                          Corruption is worse!

