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Graphic Request: Palace Background

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  • Graphic Request: Palace Background

    Remember back when Civ 1 was out, your people wanted to celebrate your glorius rule, and decided to improve your cave.
    It was an ugly brown cave, but after your third improvement to the palace, you could cover up that ugly cave completely, and instead have a real palace on display.

    Forward 10 years now to Civ 3.

    Again, we start out ruling from our ugly brown cave. But now, the first improvement only covers some of that cave. Put an improvement above, and it covers the cave's roof, but the cave is still showing *behind* our new palace. Put improvements to the side of the palace, and the stone monoliths *still* manage to stay in view.

    Its only near the time the palace is complete that the background cave *finally* disappears from view.

    The solution: Edit the background picture, so the first palace improvement hides the entire cave from view, so we can at least pretend that the cave has been improved, rather than our people deciding to build a palace in front of a cave

    The background picture is located in Civ3\Art\PalaceView\pkgr.pcx
    It would need 2 stone monoliths shortened, and 1 cave made a bit shorter.

    The catch: This would require someone with graphical talent, and a bit of time spare. While time isnt a problem, my lack of talent is
    So im putting this to the Apolyton community: Is someone able to do this mod??
    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

  • #2
    Here's one for ya.

    I had to edit the lawn01 file too so it would match up to the background.

    The way I did it, the "bridges" on each side (the parts that connect the middle part to the left and right ones) don't cover up the monoliths, but the side parts do. I could've just removed them completely, but I dunno.. I liked them somewhat.

    Sorry for the lack of a preview pic, but I can't log onto my site's FTP for some reason.
    Attached Files
    -- World Dominatrix --


    • #3
      Oh, and I haven't playtested it yet, but I did the palette correctly for transparencies and all, so it *should* work.. I'll give it a test run as soon as I can.

      EDIT: FTP's fixed, so here's the preview pic:

      Last edited by Dark Penumbra; December 17, 2001, 15:52.
      -- World Dominatrix --


      • #4
        Thanks Dark Penumbra, exactly what i was looking for

        Top job, testing now
        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

