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Unit Strengths by Era

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  • Originally posted by pcasey
    Mech Infantry ... why not just build modern armor? Almost the same cost, moves faster, defends 16/18s as well and can attack with twice the power and 2x on any given turn.
    I think that is reasonable, assuming you have access to Aluminum. If you don't, you need to build MI. I'm pretty sure the Firaxis designed these units to make strategic resource management (war) an intrinsic part of the game. If the units seem unbalanced in game play, it is the strategic resources that are too plentiful, rather than poor unit design.

    Also, if you have Aluminum, you might not want to build MI, but you'll still want to upgrade your infantry.


    • The one unit most unbalanced between the AI and the human player is Artillery and this imbalance results in the destruction of the AI in Regent-Emperor games (sorry, no Deity playing here).

      Artillery has some awesome attributes when combined with a rail network and those capabilities are not used by the AI.

      For instance, artillery can bring a stack of naval vessels off your coast (the AI always seems to stop within 2 tiles of the coast) to red-bar status in no time, allowing your naval vessels to finish them off without suffering much damage. This is one way to deal with the Ironclad horde.

      Artillery can also be moved and massed to obliterate an invasion stack. I once handled a 62-unit stack of Persians invading my territory by moving and concentrating 47 artillery, bombarding the stack and then massing the land response. Net result was only one casualty and complete destruction of the opponent stack. Considering the cost of artillery and it's ability to bring even tanks down to red-bar status in Industrial Age, they are too powerful in the hands of a human player.

      The AI does concentrate artillery well in it's capital from time to time, but it does not move it out to meet a threat. That leaves the human player with a significant advantage in open terrain as any stacks of opposing units are so much grist for the mill.


      • Somthing about naval units:

        Subs with attack of 10 would be ideal.
        Without escort of such Subs (to detect enmy Subs) enemy can easily destoy your Destoyers & Battleships.

        Subs should be upgradeable to Nuclear Subs.

        Destoyer should be able to carry one Cruise Missile.
        AEGSIS Cr. should be able to carry two Cruise Missiles.
        That way they whould be as important as Battleships.

        Cruise Missiles should have rate of fire 5.
        That way they could KILL elite hoplite (and full elite Battleships sometimes if lucky).

        And would be (very) usefull unit, like in real world.

        Some OFF-TOPIC (but strategical suggestions):

        Colonnies shouldn't be assimilated automaticly with enemy borders.
        They should use city assimilation rules instead (only if in enemy borders).
        Also building city right near enemy colony should be act of WAR.

        Luxury resorsces are way to strong (with Marketplace). I NEVER have need to use luxury tax instead. So I suggest them to be toned down a little. Like: 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3 (instead of 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4).

        TAXMEN & SCIENTISTS should give (at least) 3 gold (or science) insted of ONE.
        That way it would be usefull to have cities with size above 20. The way it is now, I usually start extensive mining when my cities reach size of 20, so I get MANY extra shields instead of 2-3 gold from taxmen.

        Also Wealth should be more powerfull in ancient age. It should be 4 shields for 1 gold. For now (8 for 1), it is mostly useless.


        • I agree that creating a city next to a colony is an act of war. It would not be tolerate in real life. I would like to see crossing ones cultural lines as an act of war. I should be allowed to attack anyone in my lands. Would Germany allow France to build a city in their borders, just because they have not built a road there? When the AI says it will leave and then does not, that is an act of war. Now if they persist and I attack, I am the one that suffers. I do not agree with all that say you should let them build a city and then assimilate it. The problem is that you can not count on that. I had a new city plopped on the edge of the water and my capitol was next to it and it was never captured. Not sure why as I was very large and they were not connected. I have seen many small cities go for generations before being captured. I often do not want them at that point.


          • Recently I have toyed with editor & upgrades by using avdices from korn.

            It comes to my mind that maybe main resone why noramlly you can't upgardae to UU is probably not a game balance, then a realisation problem. The same reson why there is no multiple obsolence flags.
            Still korn & several others founded the way to upgrade to UU in existing editor.

            SO I made some chages to see how it works, and results are satisfactonary. Maybe you should be able to upgade to UU in next patch?

            Still I have one complain. It is about Saltpeter. In one point of game you won't need a Saltpeter. And then in your building queue you'll find KINGHTS (wich is irritating: "General, will you build Marnes, Infantry, Tanks or perheps Knights), although you can build Riflemen (or Infantry if you have Rubber).

            Personnaly I would like Saltperter to become obsolete completly.
            Like after dicoverng Rep. Parts tech you should be able to build Cavalry without Saltpeter. In that case it would be nice to have Rilflemen require Saltpeter, at least until you get right advances (and have both Cavalry & Rilflemen without need of Saltpeter).

            I know how to do this in EDITOR.
            You just need to make new units: Riflemen1 & Cavalry1 (put space instead of 1, so players won't see the difference between new & old units)
            now make them exactly same as original but without need of Saltpeter (& make original riflemen need saltpeter) and make them usefull after getting Rep. Parts (or some other tech). Then give old Rif. & Cav. ability to upgrade to new ones.

            Of course for all of this you'll need to have ability to add new units.

            I hope Firaxis could find some MORE ELEGANT solution.


            • Originally posted by player1

              Colonnies shouldn't be assimilated automaticly with enemy borders.
              They should use city assimilation rules instead (only if in enemy borders).
              Also building city right near enemy colony should be act of WAR.
              That gives colonies greater importance than cities themselves. After all, assimilation of one of your cities is not an act of war, and I think everyone will agree that city > colony. Besides, that wouldn't settle building a city two squares away that absorbs the colony 20 turns later.


              • Originally posted by korn469

                marine 8/6/1 100 rubber
                infantry 6/10/1 90 rubber

                if you use the Civilization III Combat Calculator you'll find that the best odds you can get when attacking fortified infantry in a city is 83.5 to 16.6 (or one out of 6 times the infantry will win) and that is assuming an elite marine attacking a one hp infantry unit, in a most cases even with heavy naval and air bombardment it would probably be vet marines facing either 1hp infantry (76.3-23.8) or 2hp infantry (47.5-52.5) marines are only mildly effective in their main role, of directly attacking cities from ships, and they don't excel in any other role, marines attacking cities amphibiously with even close odds will get slaughtered (vet marine vs. reg fortified infantry 26-74)

                plus i don't see what the big advantage of marines and helicopters is...helicopters with marines have to be in city and only have an airdrop range of 6, i would rather have two cavalry units (cost 160) on my border than one marine and a helicopter (cost 200), because an invasion a close by landmass would be prohibitive since you would need a helicopter to airdrop each marine, whereas a single transport could carry an invasion force

                paratrooper 6/8/1 100 oil, rubber
                infantry 6/10/1 90 rubber (defense)
                tank 16/8/2 100 oil, rubber (offense/defense)
                cavalry 6/3/3 80 horses, saltpeter (offense)

                needs no change? well paratroopers aren't very useful on attack, they aren't very useful on defense, and their big advantage is they can paradrop out to 6 space but that uses 1 movement point, so after they paradrop they are setting ducks...i don't see how they are very disruptive at all, on offense if they paradrop then they are immobile, and don't provide a player with the defense that they need to fight off an attack, i'd rather invest in another tank instead of a paratrooper
                on defense, infantry, cavalry, and tanks moving along railroads are much more disruptive than paratroopers doing paradrops, and by the time that paratroopers are available railroads should cover all if not most of your territory

                if airdrops didn't use all of their movement they would be much more efficient, but as it is now i think other units are more effective in any role a paratrooper hopes to fill
                Amphibious assaults are notoriously bloody, so they are absolutely fine for that purpose. I was not assuming the odds were any better than you said. I agree that helicopters lifting marines is a little limited because of having to launch from a city(the game needs at least airbases for workers to build), but you can build a little 'airbase' city to send off the troops. I also know that the defense of paratroopers isn't that great. So? They are light troops and if you put them on mountains or other defensible terrain in numbers they will provide distraction since they are a threat to pillage and must be dealt with(especially if you use them to attack resources and luxuries.

                These two kinds of troops aren't suited as all purpose attackers or defenders, they should be used for specialized stuff.

                And, radar artillery isn't really that expensive, just upgrade your old artillery(I always have loads of them).


                • Originally posted by vmxa1
                  I agree that marines are of no real value as it is now. I have never made them. The idea that a well trained marine would have any trouble with a knight in battle is ludicrous. The marine would have a field day with a target the size of a horse loaded down with armour. Now you have a dismounted and slow knight with a sword or pike verse an automatic weapon, hum.
                  I would like to see a filter to allow me to remove obsolete items from the build list or if you make them go away after a period of time that is fine. I hate seeing warriors in my list while I am making tanks.
                  I just found one utility for using marines: attacking that cities placed in a land tile surrounded only by water (it has no surrounding land area) making that impossible to land and attack with armors, just the marines can attack from the transport.

                  Perhaps the cost should be minimized and att. strenght raised by 1 or 2.


                  • Cruise missiles are good for destroying enemy ships if you dont have a decent navy. However they only do about 2 hp damage on a frigate. So i tried bombarding them with artillery, and got them down to 1 hp. Then i tried finishing it off with the cruise missile, only to be told that i cant bombard a unit with only 1 hp?!?

                    Cruise missiles should be able to target units with only 1 hp!!!

                    Although i dont mind too much if this gets overlooked. I use bombards and battleships for coastal defence.
                    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                    • Originally posted by Skanky Burns
                      Cruise missiles should be able to target units with only 1 hp!!!
                      Yes, that IS a BUG.

                      They should also have f. rate of 5, to make THEORETICLY possibile to kill ELITE unit with Cr. Missles.

                      These two things would FIX cr. mis. for good.


                      • WARNING! WARNING!

                        To korn & Firaxis:

                        Non-upgradeable but obsolete TRICK doesn't work!

                        You can still upgrade those units with Shilf-U.

                        Forest should give more shileds with railroads.
                        The way it is, forests become "obsolete" after getting railroads.

                        Also make it possibile to bombard 0-defense units.
                        I relly hate when I bombard strat. res. and several rounds later workers come to make roads again. Then I can't drive-off those workers (can't be bombed).

                        Just make those bombards automatic hit.


                        • Originally posted by player1
                          Nukes should be more destructive both physicly & diplomaticly.
                          I don't think so. Have you seen any diplomacy drawback after using nuclear bombs on Japanese?

                          I think the whole world was shocked but became politer toward USA...


                          • Originally posted by Awender

                            I don't think so. Have you seen any diplomacy drawback after using nuclear bombs on Japanese?

                            I think the whole world was shocked but became politer toward USA...
                            So, why don't they use them more often?

                            I doubt that world would be more polite toward America is they use them again. Or make global ecological disaster.

                            It's polite because of Amerca's economical & military power. Not because of their Nukes.

                            In Japan, it was a first time. World can forgive that (I doubt Japanise could).


                            • I would like to see the AI made an attempt to keep its pollution down. Is it not in its own interest?


                              • Border Defense

                                I would recommend the civ 2 ZOC for border fotress. This will make it possible for border defense on good defensive terrain. You can't have city on mountain. But you can sure build fotress and fortify some defenders in it. This makes the attacking more difficult (the mountain sure will give the attackers a hard time) and give the defenders some time to respond.

                                In the current rule, border is useless regarding defensive strength. The diamond shape of the tile (not hexagon) requires 2 lines of units to cut off the connection.

                                Another could-be-useful thing is make wounded troops slower in enemy territory. This gives the defender chances to track them down and finish them off with mobile units and still go back to city b/c they CAN use road.

