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Forbidden Palace -- when can you build it?

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  • Forbidden Palace -- when can you build it?

    Civilopedia says you need to have 8 cities in a standard size map to be able to build the forbidden palace. Anyone have the numbers for the other map sizes?

  • #2
    Bonus question:

    If you hit that magic number of cities, then lose some cities and go back under the limit, are you still able to build the palace?


    • #3
      Yep, the answers are all in CivEdit. Under the World Sized tab. Tiny 12, Small 14, Standard 16, Large 24, Huge 32. This is the patched version.

      I have every reason to believe that this is a combination of ALL cities, not just yours, and that the Forbidden Palace becoming available is a trigger, and there is no reason for it to become "untriggered".

      That's my guess. What do I win?


      • #4
        if what you are saying is that you can build the forbidden palace in a huge map when the total number of cities of all civs hits 32, then you get nothing cuz i am currently playing in a huge map with all 16 civs and there must be at least 300 cities on the map and i still cant build it!

        my guess would be take those numbers you wrote and divide by 2, the 8 for standard works (of course, this should be the number of cities *you* have, not all civs combined). i currently have 15 cities and no plans for expansion, but when i culturally capture a neighbor we shall see if 16 is the magic number for huge map.

