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QUESTION: Civ3 Map editor crashes the game!!

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  • QUESTION: Civ3 Map editor crashes the game!!

    I made a kick ass scenario, i had all jungle, mountains, forest mixed in and rivers. then resources, then i changed all the rules to suit the needs of pure canniballism.....

    and then it crashed...

    so i investigated it. i made a blank map, with only grassland, and it loaded and worked FINE. so then i made a full ujungle map and it DIDNT.

    then, i kept doingh this to prove my point. i tried everything - default rules, water/ mountains blocking the ice caps, player starting locations etc. nothing worked.

    who has experienced the same problem with home-grown maps?

    you load the scenario, then it sez "no, start the game already" you select or make a civ, and start it, and t loads to 100% again. then it performs an illegal armed robbery (operation), and closes...

    i feel like im trapped in a cage



    so who can help-oh?
    If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried

  • #2
    I know same thing happened to me yesterday!

