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What is with Civ3 going illegal when i simply trying to create this peticular unit

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  • What is with Civ3 going illegal when i simply trying to create this peticular unit

    Civ3 is annoying with editing..... and tired of requiring a new game all of the time to test it out!!!


    Yes, it may be cheating to trying to create a super unit for the Ancient and Middle ages, but so what..... just want to test the fancy features in the rules for units, like stealth, blizkrieg, etc.......

    I don't know why the game hates my Commando unit, like geez..... using an Immortal graphic, attack and def at 10, move 3, blitz, golden age, all terrain, foot soldier, etc..... Civpedia entry to Immortal, requires Iron, and so on...........

    Yet when i get to Iron Working and try to build it, it crashed when the unit completes.... does that everytime i edit the unit and restart a new game. Pissing me off. I even simply edit the Immortal unit with stats above and still goes illegal.

    recetn game, i edited Jaguar Warrior and Impis....they didn't crash, yet my super unit does......... wtf? why does it do that?

    problem with Immortal unit, its graphic or etc??? will change graph to Legionaire........

    does it require its own Civpedia space or something?


  • #2
    Did you change the Art folder, and animation INI name?



    • #3
      no i haven't...but i don't think that is what causing problems...... I modified the Immortal unit itself to super Unit stats, without editing the name and it still caused the illegal ops. But will try animation/ini thing, once i learn where and how



      • #4
        isn't the unit graphic some special FLC thing?

