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Animated units creation

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  • Animated units creation

    I see here many people scilled in the programming.
    Can anybody to explain me which tool I need to create animated
    units for Civ-III. Looks like their are locked in a video "format".
    First I would like to know - which tool I need to open and see them.
    Second - which tool I need to create a new models.

    You know , that I was cool in the creating units for Civ-2, and
    may be, may be....

    May be the Great Alex will return...

    Alex Mor (The "Magnificent", the father of "Spartacus")

  • #2
    Jasc Animation Shop seems to work.
    "Five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what has it produced? The Cuckoo Clock... goodbye Harold"


    • #3
      First you need flicster found in the files forum for opening the animation files. Then you will need an art utility. I prefer adobe photoshop, but the choice is yours. After creating the art to animate you will need an animator. I prefer animation shop here.
      Creating new units is not as easy as Civ2 on Civ3 though. You need tons of drawings and animations. You will understand what I mean when you open the flc formats


      • #4
        Hi Gromit!

        Can You give to me some more info about Jasc Animation Shop.
        What it can do - to open video files of Civ-III animated units.

        Which is it full name?

        Hi PanicX !

        Expalne please what is it mean flicster ( this word is absent in my dictionery) and where I can find wis magic wand in this forum?

        I know adobe but I used Corel Photo Paint for my art work
        which You can easy to find in my site

        O yea, I understand what is it mind to create animated units.
        A ton of work? I already have done a tons of drowing for civ-2.
        A tons of time I think is the most problem as I think.
        This is the reason that this topic had not many response here - too hard task and WHO so scilled in this who can di it. I can I think. But problem is to find tools first. Help me in this and I will say what I can.



        • #5
          You can find the utility program here (flicster):

          Go BIG or go home.


          • #6
            free download for jasc animation shop (it opens flc without flcster!)

   go to downloads

            its shareware, god for 30 days


            • #7
              Somehow I get this feeling you aren't Alex. Actually I know you aren't Alex for 3 reasons:

              1. Your english is too good
              2. Your site can no longer possibly work anymore because is down permanently
              3. Alex already has the username Alex the Magnificent; why should he need another? And you're only a settler signed up a little while ago.

              There. Now what do you have to say?
              Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game

