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Nasty Technology trade bug

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  • Nasty Technology trade bug

    Whenever I trade a technology to a rival civ, every other civ immediately gets it as well.

    Quite a nasty bug introduced here.

    Anyone else encounter this?

  • #2
    I wouldn't say this is a bug. I had this "problem" all the time in previous CIV games (I think CivI was the worst about it). I finally made sure I never traded the more "valuable" advances and only gave the AI players advances that were way behind me. So I don't think it's a bug. I think the AI's just trade technology with each other immediately. Just be careful trading techs!


    • #3
      No, this isnt right

      Let me give a few more details.

      This has occured after installation of 1.16f patch. Never occured before that.

      I am playing against all the civs's.

      The effect is instantanious. I trade Philosophy to the Romans, go to the next Civ on the list (that very same turn), and WHAM, they now have it. Every Civ has it.

      This IS a bug, and if it isnt a bug, then it is an absolute horrible gameplay change.

      Explain this to me, if it is my turn, and I have just discovered Philosophy, and no one else has it. Are you telling me, that its normal that I can only trade that to one Civ?? That the Civ I trade that too, gets to instantly trade that off to everyone, which I was just not able to do?!


      • #4
        This issue has been resolved...

        Well after I rebooted and reloaded the game, this issue went away. As to why it occured, I had loaded up a pre-patch saved game first, quit it, and the started a new game, during which, every tech I traded, every other Civ recieved as well.

        If anyone stumbles onto this, which might be very rare and which might also explain the lack of replies to this post, just close out of Civ and restart.


        • #5
          i just came accross almost the same thing....

          i am playing with the patch. this never happened to me before the patch, but then i never traded techs, this is my first attempt at the "tech broker" strat.

          i am also playing with all the civs. i had sold quite a few techs before to almost every civ. we all had all the same techs and just got to the second era (where i sold everyone monotheism). but then in 70BC the persians got monarchy. i had the great library and did not receive monarchy, so i knew nobody else could have it. i bought it from the persians. then i went through every civ, checked how much they offered and wrote it down, but didnt sell yet. i ordered them from best to worst offers, then started selling to the top bidders. i sold to 4 civs, and when i got to the 5th, they didn't need monarchy any more. odd i though, i was sure nobody else had it... went on to the 6th, and they had it too! yeah, everyone go it. thought it was a trade screen glitch, so i ended the turn, but next turn everyone still had monarchy (although nobody started building the gardens besides me and the persians)

          well i also think its a bug... and if its a feature, its an unfair feature!


          • #6

            so the turn after i noticed the "bug", the game goes and friggin crashes on me... thats when i found this post. so after posting the above message i fired up the game again and decided to reload the savegame just before i did the tech selling. and again, after selling to the same 4 civs, everyone else got it. the last one i sold to was the egyptians. then when i clicked on the greeks, the disk spun for a little longer than usual, wonder if that has anything to do with it... well i'm gonna qui, reload and try selling in a different order now.


            • #7
              ok, so i quit and reloaded the savegame, sold to 4 different civs, and when i tried selling to the 5th everyone had the tech. in addition, the indians also got monotheism (they were the only ones to whom i hadn't sold it cuz they had no money )

              so there ya go, make what you will of it. i say BUG !!!!


              • #8
                maybe just an intentional way of making the AI's cheat so they don't get too far behind.

                so we just have to remember how many civ's we sell to then, especially if we're playing a game with lots and lots of civs.
                Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.

