Well, I've got a new problem. After having successfully managed to get the natural resource file to work, I am faced with a new problem. The pink background is gone (see Art Tutorial for Dummies for explanation of how I did it).
The trouble is now that the icons only appear on Plains, Tundra, Grassland and Desert. The reason they won't appear on Mountains, Forests, and Hills is because those graphics are going on top of the resource graphics, so you can't see them.
I don't get why this is happening, and I can't figure out how to fix it. Can anyone explain this?
I'm getting tired of these graphics because I can't play until they're up and running! I'm getting bored waiting....
The trouble is now that the icons only appear on Plains, Tundra, Grassland and Desert. The reason they won't appear on Mountains, Forests, and Hills is because those graphics are going on top of the resource graphics, so you can't see them.
I don't get why this is happening, and I can't figure out how to fix it. Can anyone explain this?
I'm getting tired of these graphics because I can't play until they're up and running! I'm getting bored waiting....