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Map: Mainland

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  • Map: Mainland

    Each civilization starts on a small island with very limited resources, soon players will find that they must colonize towards the mainland. The aim is to colonize and conquer as much of the mainland as possible to stop your opponants from taking over it.


    Players: 7
    Difficulty: Regent
    Victory: Conquest
    **All game rules are the same, this is only a map


    *Each player will start on a small island with space only for 4-5 cities.
    *Each player will start with 1 strategic resource, 1 luxury resource and 1 bonus resource.
    *When your run out of space, search for the mainland in the centre of the map, this is a large continent with many resources and should be catpured before the AI does.

    More Information:

    *Each player will start with either horses or iron, other strategic resources are only on the mainland.
    *There is no sea or coast between any island and the mainland so you will always risk loosing your ships.


    *Resources on this map are very diverse.
    *Goodies huts are included.
    *Barbarian tribes are only on the mainland, there are none on starting islands.

    **I hope you find this enjoyable, please comment.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Last week I downloaded your map and played it on Monarch level as English. Went quickly to map making, and was the first on the "mainland". But very soon thereafter others were coming there too. Fighting against the Indians I found that although I had knights, they had their war elephants, so it still was quite equal. But now with cavalery, having the resources, the forbidden palace nicely on the mainland it becomes a little boring. Nothing new anymore. At the moment I walk over with infantry and cavalery in armies over rifleman. After some other turns it would be tanks against the same. So I consider this a win.

    The idea of the map I liked. Based on a (simple) idea and not "just an area" and not again a huge map, but something of a playable size. Disadvantage is that the end game has no challenge.

