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  • Moblization

    Well. I seem to have a problem. I am the Romans. And when I set my moblization to War Time. I can't change it back to Normal. Can someone PLEASE help me out here and tell me why this happens??
    Death from Above!

  • #2
    Nevermind. I found the reason.
    Death from Above!


    • #3
      how did you fix it? I'm having the same problem


      • #4
        When you end the wars you are waging, moblization will automaticaly return to normalcy.


        • #5
          I havent used moblization yet, looking through the uninformative manual I could not find what it does exactly and it's side effects. Could someone please fill me in on this?


          • #6
            + If tile produces 1 or more resources, you will get one extra resource. (plains 1 shield ==> 2 shields /turn)

            - You can only build military units and military buildings.
            - You get only 50% the culture /turn.

            So you can build huge armies pretty fast, but you can't build any wonders, temples etc.


            • #7
              Thats pretty good, but does it have any extra effect on citizen happiness?


              • #8
                Mobilization has no effect on happiness.
                Interesting point is that Firaxis thinks that mobilization necessary means an imminent war... (in the past, announcement of mobilization was a European politics tool of scaring the neighbors but never mind....)
                SO! if you mobilize in the peace time the only way to get back to normalcy is to start a war (or indeed be attacked) and then make peace. Mobilization level will return to normalcy.
                Another feature: if you are at war with many civs, mobilize and then make peace with one of them - mobilization returns to normal, even though you are still at war with other civs.
                in my experience it is only useful as a desperate measure in defensive wars with overpowering nations - i.e. when the whole world is against you and they outnumber and outproduce you.


                • #9
                  Culture loss under mobilization

                  I thought you had 50% culture loss during war anyway. Does this mean if you are at war and have mobilization you lose all of it?


                  • #10
                    There isn't any culture loss with out mobilization. Atleast I didn't see any in my 3000 year world war


                    • #11
                      Just a correction to something said above. While mobalised you cannot build non-military buildings, everything else is ok. So you can still build wonders (and workers too I think, not sure here). Barracks, Harbours, Airports, Walls and Coastal Fortresses are military buildings.

                      Mobilisation can be a real life-saver, as can conscription, if used correctly. If all your cities are completely built up then the extra production lets you pump out those tanks really fast, and any conquered cities will be too small to produce anything useful anyway. And as long as you can make peace on demand (eg. declare another war, take a city or two, then make peace with the same civ) then it has few drawbacks.

