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UTILITY: bicstats

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  • UTILITY: bicstats

    bicstats is a statistical tool to give information about a .bic file.

    It can be useful for players and map creators both to compare statistics.

    0.3 added resource distribution statistics and continent information
    0.2 windows application (need mfc42.dll)
    0.1 command line tool for dos commandline

    Input is requested and welcome.

    Just to illustrate on a random file it gives the following information:

    Tile Statistics:

    1334 Land Tiles (26%):
    81 desert 168 plains 292 grassland
    84 tundra 63 floodplns 190 hills
    111 mountains 178 forest 167 jungle

    3666 Water Tiles (73%):
    592 coast 589 sea 2485 ocean

    Strategic Resources:
    12 horses 12 iron 9 saltpeter 9 coal
    9 oil 9 rubber 10 aluminum 8 uranium

    Luxury Resources:
    6 wine 6 furs 7 dyes 6 incense
    7 spices 6 ivory 6 silks 7 gems

    Bonus Resources:
    13 whales 13 game 13 fish 13 cattle
    13 wheat 13 gold

    20 Goody Huts 0 Barbarian Camps

    8 Player Start positions
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Tventano; December 9, 2001, 18:30.

  • #2
    Nice work Tventano

    A small txt file would be nice also

    A notice: The file name must be in 8:3 format otherwise the tool won't recognize it. Therefore to open "Earth (Standard).bic" or "Earth (Huge).bic you have to rename them first. At list under Windows 2000.


    • #3

      The tool is far from finished, but it can already do something useful, therefor I uploaded it. Here at home I use it in a 4dos box under Windows Me, and also these long file names are properly read in.

      At the moment I am thinking of changing it to a Windows program. Having some menu options and a text box which allows copying to the clipboard is probably easier to use for people than a commandline with multiple options and redirecting the output.

      Btw I see that I did not mention yet that as a second parameter you can use the word "sections" to get an overview of all sections in the bic file. Or the name of a section (like WMAP) to give the info in that section. Most sections at the moment just give the uninterpreted hex numbers.


      • #4
        Well, that is perfectly understandable Tventano and from the version (0.1) it is obvious that you are in the very start
        I just made a small note to let you know.

        Windows version? Yes, that would be better

        Anyway, I like your mod


        • #5
          Version 0.2

          I just uploaded version 0.2

          It is a straight translation from a commandline tool to a windows program. Advantage for the user is that you do not have to use a dos box, nor to type on the commandline and redirect the output to some filename.

          Opening through a standard open file dialog box.
          Standard display shows title, description and the same statistical info as the dostool. Second option (press a button) shows all other info in the bic file, at the moment most of this info is still hex only.

          First coming development will be more statistical information.


          • #6
            Great program, this will come in handy for balancing my newly created maps.


            • #7
              Version 0.3

              I just uploaded version 0.3

              Terrain and resources per continent are indicated.

              Further I give some information on the resources. Both the average distance between all iron resources and the average distance between all nearest neighbours. For the standard earth it looks like this:

              horses 51,12 iron 55,11 saltpeter 50,18 coal 50,16
              oil 54, 8 rubber 38,11 aluminum 56,14 uranium 53,16
              wine 50, 5 furs 22, 7 dyes 48,30 incense 46,11
              spices 30,30 ivory 25,14 silks 4, 3 gems 40,27
              whales 56,15 game 61, 7 fish 56, 5 cattle 46, 7
              wheat 43, 7 gold 47, 9

              Silks is the only resource which is extremely clustered.

              How exactly to give information on distribution is difficult, you would need a graph per resource, just a few numbers is really not enough. To keep it simple I only give these two numbers. Mainly handy to quickly check if any resources have different values. When you as a map designer can judge if that was the intention.


              • #8
                I get a "missing DLL file" error when trying to open the program.

                I'm using W2k - is that compatible with it ..?
                Greatest moments in cat:


                • #9
                  This doesn't seem to work with any maps created with the new editor that comes with the patch (1.29f). This was a good utility for map makers... Please update Tventano, I can't live without this utility!!!!


                  • #10
                    Tventano - any chance you'll change the utility to work for PTW files??
                    Greatest moments in cat:

