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How to choose a mod

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  • How to choose a mod

    I cannot find a place to choose the rules I moded in the game selection, i.e. the make of the world (size, climate etc.) or the civilization selection (who you are, how many opponents, what rules). It does not allow to choose a rules (moded) file here. I would like to keep the old rule file and have a variety to choose from when I start a game. Is that possible or not. If not, how do I choose a mod that I want to play with.

    Persistance knows no defeat!
    Gott gibt uns die Nüsse, aber er beißt sie uns nicht auf.
    (J. W. von Goethe)

  • #2
    If you wait for the patch you can play it as a scenario without that the tech tree corrupts. Otherwise you have to replace civ3mod.bic, and "unreplace" it when you are finished with that game.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      That is what I thought, but I hoped for an easier way to choose different mods and switching between them.
      Persistance knows no defeat!
      Gott gibt uns die Nüsse, aber er beißt sie uns nicht auf.
      (J. W. von Goethe)


      • #4
        Originally posted by kptb
        That is what I thought, but I hoped for an easier way to choose different mods and switching between them.
        Well, we have to wait for the patch, or at least the patch readme, to see if it will be easier.

        Hopefully it will be easier. At least since the scenario bug will be gone, and hopefully they have made the editor better as promised.
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

