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How can I move a cruise missile on another continent ?

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  • How can I move a cruise missile on another continent ?

    The manual says that the missile has the same option than other air unit, but in fact, the only choice I have is to bombard, and I cannot do it over the sea. Also, I cannot load it in a nuclear submarine (I don't try with a non-nuclear submarine).

  • #2
    I never did this, but as a cruise missile is an artillery unit a transport should work.

    (And no, you can't load them on subs or battleships)


    • #3
      That's right. Use transports.
      "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


      • #4
        Wait, let me get this right...You can load a cruise missile on to a transport...but not a submarine???

        Where's the logic in that?


        • #5
          cruise missile cannot load into any submarine/aircraft..
          also you cannot load cruise missile into transport directly. There's no "load" button when a cm is in a city with a transport really strange.


          • #6
            they are useless anyways. dont build em.


            • #7
              Cruise Missles are not Air Units, they're Ground Launched Cruise Missles (GLCM).
              They are Ground Units -- just your normal Bombardment Artillery (but one-shot only).
              They are your best until Radar Artillery - they have the same strength (16). I thought they were better until I found that their RoF is 2, not 3. To wear down Mech Infantry, they and Radar Artillery are the way to go.


              • #8
                CM's do act as a SCUD-type rockets.
                But can they be captured like other artillery pieces?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wisecat
                  CM's do act as a SCUD-type rockets.
                  But can they be captured like other artillery pieces?
                  CM will be destroyed if enemy units 'hit' it.

                  btw, the cost of CM is too high.. I would rather wait for 2 turn to build a tank rather than a CM.. but they are excellent for assault for sure .

