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Unit Cycling

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  • Unit Cycling

    Has anyone experienced problems with cycling between units?

    In my son's game he has reached 1800AD and has started to experience problems cycling between units. The computer will activate the first unit but after he has finished moving it the curser will stay on that unit and not move to another unit. Pressing Wait or Space Bar doesn't help. The only way to change to another unit is to click on it. Saving and reloading the game will sometimes clear the problem temporarily. In my game on the same computer I have had no problems.

    Any ideas/suggestions? This is not a problem I have seen reported by anyone else.

  • #2
    Yeah me too. I had the problem on a large map w/ 12 civs, about 1/2 way through the Middle Ages...

    I found that starting over on a small map was a decent solution.
    "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon

