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Unexplained crashes

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  • Unexplained crashes

    My system specs are:

    Manufacturer: Dell
    Operating System: Windows ME
    CPU: 1-Gigahertz Pentium III
    Ram: 256 Megs
    Hard Drive: 18.6 (2.83 Free)
    Video Card: Nvidia GeForce 2 GTS w/ 32 Megs of onboard ram
    Sounds Card: SoundBlaster Live!
    Latest Version of Direct X

    I've disk scanned and defragged, and used the Ctrl + Alt + Del method to ensure that only Systray and Explorer are running.

    The Problem: After installing the game apparently normally I go to double click the icon places on my desktop by the installation program. A splash screen (attached below) is visible for a second or so and then disappears, leaving my computer as if I never tried to run the program in the first place. I receive no error messages; the machine does not lock up, or function abnormally afterwards.

    Due to an absence of an error message I'm stumped as to what could be causing the problem. I've tried all the suggestions given at Infogrames' support web site under Unexplained Lock Ups & Crashes (I feel that my problem falls under the later.) I suppose at this point in time that others have experienced this problem and that a work around has been found.
    "Hindsight is all well and good... until you trip." - Said by me

  • #2
    I know all about this problem.... Emperor: Battle for Dune by Westwood had the exact same problem. The problem is the copyprotection that doesn't want to play with a lot of CD-ROM drives - even though you have the original. Westwood had to release a cracked version of their executable to those who needed it. For now go to GameCopyWorld and download the crack for Civ III. I know it's ridiculous that you need to crack your original game, but that's how it is.... Big bummer Firaxis...... It appears that site like the above mentioned may ironically soon be the best friend of all those of us stupid enough to buy an original that doesn't work.....

    Edit: I should add that I wanted to send an email to Firaxis about this problem, but was unable to locate an email address to send such a bug report to. So now I post it on the various fansites instead in the hope that someone from Firaxis reads them every now and then
    Last edited by kazper; December 1, 2001, 08:46.


    • #3
      I can help you with the email go to this page and scroll down to the bottom, there will be a button titled Email click on it and it will take you to a bug report/tech support form to fill out.
      "Hindsight is all well and good... until you trip." - Said by me


      • #4
        I could kiss you man! It starts up beautifuly now!
        "Hindsight is all well and good... until you trip." - Said by me


        • #5
          Now this is a story of real Tech-support failure

          I send an email and wait about 4 days. However there was a weekend in between so that's ok.

          The mail I get back simply reads:

          This facility provides technical support to customers residing in North America, only.

          Support for Infogrames products in Denmark is provided by our United Kingdoms offices and you must contact them for any support issues you have with Infogrames, Inc. products.

          Now I live in Denmark, but my copy was a Limited Edition bought at I fail to see how my report of this bug has anything to do with which country I live in, but it appears that they just looked at where I lived and not my problem - although I wonder why they have such choices as Denmark as location on that page when they don't support it....

          Oh well - I dutifully go to the UK site to try and send them the report - and find out that they don't have an email contact So they want me to phone their number in the UK - probably spend a lot of time on hold - at an expensive overseas phone rate - to tell them about a bug with their game....

          That's when I say I don't care enough anymore. I'm not sure how they could be less customer-friendly....

          However, it's good to hear you got it to work, but I was almost sure it would work
          Last edited by kazper; December 3, 2001, 15:08.

