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No Diplomatic Options at all? ever?

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  • No Diplomatic Options at all? ever?

    Cant quite figure this one .. have played a couple games .. to a lower level of tech than my present game and never ran into my current problem..

    Im playing the Indian civilization, am around 1750 or so, have just gained espionage and steam power... but I am still completely unable to form any diplomatic ties with other civs.. I can trade tech etc, but no alliances, pacts, or anything.. theres no diplomacy button on the lower right of the main screen, espionage did nothing for me ..

    anyone? I went back through the tech tree to make sure I didnt miss anything and they're all blue.. seems i have it all.. dunno..

    thanks for any help..

  • #2
    Are you sure you established embassies?

    As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy.
    -Christopher Dawson, The Judgment of Nations, 1942


    • #3
      did you made contact with other civs? use the foreign advisor screen to start diplomacy if the button isn't there. And establish embassies too by clicking on the star beside your capital's name on the map


      • #4
        To get diplomatioc options during negotiations (Rigt of passage, alliance etc.) there has to be an embassy established. AI does it sometimes but not always. To do it yourself double-click on the star icon on your capital - you will get the list of the nations which you have met and do not have embassies with together with the cost of establishing an embassy. Pick'n'click your choice and there you are

