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Espionage How To

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  • Espionage How To

    How do I plant a spy and do espionage? I now I need the NSA small wonder and must have beacoup bucks. Done both, but still can't see where I can plant spys and conduct my covert ops.

  • #2
    At the right side of the little info box at the bottom right of the screen, you'll see an 'E' button. Pressing that will allow you to start espionage.


    • #3
      To plant a spy, click on the pentagon icon after you have built the Intelligence Agency, and plant a spy the same way you create embassies. You need a fair bit of gold to plant the spy, about 100-200.
      None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


      • #4
        Ok, I have sucessfully planted spies and conducted spy missions in previous games, but for some reason in this game I cannot plant spies. Are there any conditions to plant a spy? When i double click on the pentagon, nothing happens, and I have no pentagons on the foriegn nations (still is a star) and I have no spy options when i click the star. Is it because i am at peace with everyone? 'cause they are all democracy? what gives? i dont understand why it is not working in this ONE game


        • #5
          double click? only brings up the city window for me.

          Conduct esp IS on the right click menu for the city that built the wonder. check there. good luck


          • #6
            thanks couslee, i forgot about the right click. i kept trying to double click the pentagon, or use the buttons by the info box (both of which did not work) but i got it with the right click on the city

            weird though.

            'nother bug?

