I can't believe nobody's noticed this monumental flaw in the editor yet.
YOU CAN'T CHOOSE WHERE INDIVIDUAL CIVS WILL START! Isn't that the main point of an editor, so people can create 'real' maps and fight various wars? What good's a Europe map if Britain doesn't start in London and France in Paris, etc?
The editor's not bad apart from that. I can't believe this isn't a major point on the forums!
Am I wrong? Is there a way to choose which 'Player Start Location' is for which player? And if not, why not? Firaxis - will a patch rectify this chronic error?
YOU CAN'T CHOOSE WHERE INDIVIDUAL CIVS WILL START! Isn't that the main point of an editor, so people can create 'real' maps and fight various wars? What good's a Europe map if Britain doesn't start in London and France in Paris, etc?
The editor's not bad apart from that. I can't believe this isn't a major point on the forums!
Am I wrong? Is there a way to choose which 'Player Start Location' is for which player? And if not, why not? Firaxis - will a patch rectify this chronic error?