because the most mid-age ships suck since the ironclad is available way too soon, and since the time isn't correct (they were already sailing way before magnetism, they still traveled mainly on the stars, so i made the galley 0-1-3 instead of 1-1-3 and available from the start (it was nothing more than a wooden shell with some cloth). The Caravel is available with map making and will sink on ocean , and the frigate, privateer(attack upped to 2) Man-o-war(defence upped to 3) and galleon available with astronomy. Yes, that will make magnetism a sucky tech, but it's just a required tech, and not much different than the other buffer techs. The ironclad will sink in ocean squares (those things were heavy, bulky, and the plating was not always that reliable.
so, just make these changes if you like em, i played with it and it gave me a great age of sail from about 1200-1600.
btw... i made a special galley for the barbarians with attack 1 so they can annoy your boats with it, and you can't fight back..
so, just make these changes if you like em, i played with it and it gave me a great age of sail from about 1200-1600.
btw... i made a special galley for the barbarians with attack 1 so they can annoy your boats with it, and you can't fight back..
