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Solution to problems with the combat system

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  • Solution to problems with the combat system

    something i did to solve the "IT KILLED MY TANK!" problem, is doubling the attack+defence of every unit for every era after the first.. for units battling eachother this should not make a difference, since they are both multiplied, and chance to hit is based on attackers attack rating/defenders defence rating. So wether tanks are 16-8 or 64-32, no difference... because the chance to hit is attackers attack rating/defender defense rating. Also, this doesn't matter for terrains since these give a % defence bonus extra, so it will still be the same.

    however if it was attacked by a cavalry unit, which attack would only be doubled, so it would be 12 attack versus 32 defence, which seems realistic to me, instead of 6-8 (which is an awful chance of the cavalry winning, especially if there are 2.. now 2 cavalry are easier to get than 1 tank... something is not right there.

    Now the cavalry will get spanked by the tank, just like that a modern tank whoops a panzer, and a stealth fighter will nearly always shoot an b-52 out of the skies (if the AirSup wasn't b0rked ). Now, it might be a bit painful if you run behind in technologies, but isn't that also true IRL??

  • #2
    well that might unbalance the game cause there's some units that come at the end of an era, while another comes right at the beginning of the era. For example, the cavalry comes right at the end of the middle ages i think, and rifleman come right at the beginning of the next age, so there's no chance a cavalry would ever beat a rifleman.


    • #3
      Easy answer ElitePersian!
      Either say that units at the end of an era actually belong to the next era (though this should only be for units at the VERY end) or, alternatively, you could go in the opposite direction and say that units at the very start of an era belong to the previous era!
      The last, and probably best, option would be to say that units at start/end of eras are not doubled, but in-between!

      eg. Middle Age units are 2x, Inudstrial age units are 4x and Modern age units are 6x (am I understanding this right?). In this case, Ancient/Middle would be 1.5x, Middle/Industrial would be 3x and industrial/modern units would be 5x



      • #4
        You will run into problems with bombardment. You will have to increase the bombard values of your artillery as well to make them remain effective, but this will result in late-era artillery being extremely effective against improvements. If you don't mind artillery automatically destroying improvements it won't be that bad, though.


        • #5
          Darn, hadn't thought of that. Aside from this, though, Kloepoeks idea is really good!! Perhaps if we could introduce a TL factor from 1-5 (for ancient to modern) that divides the success chance of the attacking unit. Then, as I suggested above, units at the end of the era are one higher than the rest of the era (so a cavalry unit will have a 3 rating, and a tank would have a four rating). That way, if a tank attacks a spearman, then the spearman would have a quarter of the chance to damage the tank than what it currently has!! (but the tanks chances of doing damage are the same!) Of course, this would result in longer combats between higher tech units (as they would both have 1/4 the chance to do damage!!), but I would consider it a reasonable compromise!


