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Captured Cities

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  • Captured Cities

    I am the Romans and at war with all 6 AI players on regent level. My governement is Democracy.
    After capturing a city am not able to build any improvements other than the barracks or airport. I checked the list of improvements that are there and the temple, library, or cathdral are not listed but am still not able to build them. Even after building the barracks and airport only units or wealth are available.
    Does it have to do with the number of cities I have? Or the state of unhappiness? Is there a particular improvement that limits me from building the others? Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Sounds like you have the mobilization switched to 'War Time'
    in the domestic advisor screen. If you do you have to go to war
    and back to peace to get it cleared. If that captured city is
    the only one doing this then you may have to play a full turn
    before it clears from the former owners setting.?

    I have another problem with captured cities. If you capture a
    large city (8-9+) a large distance from your capitol or forbidden P.
    , I cannot hold it under Democracy. It goes into revolt and
    stays there until it throws out my governor and reverts to the
    previously defeated AI civ. All cities that I have taken by force
    have always destroyed their temples and collseum whencaptured. etc.

    Caving forever,



    • #3
      First question: You're on wartime mobilization, under that you can ONLY build military units and improvements, you'll need to make piece and get out of wartime mobilization before you can build normal stuff.

      Second issue: Rush build settlers or starve the city to a manageable level.... also you'll need to have one unit in the city per each citizen (size 8 city needs 8 units) to put down the revolts. Revolt control is a good job for any outdated units you have (warriors etc..) that way if for some reason they fail to put down the revolt you didn't lose the units that you cared about.

