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Suggestions for New Concepts

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  • Suggestions for New Concepts

    I would like to make this a sort of workshop of ideas for expansion and additions to the civ III, as well as a suggestion box for Firaxis. I'm always looking to ruin my gaming experience by adding more options and complicating life , so be forewarned. Hopefully more programming savvy types will take some of these ideas and run with them. Currently I'm playing with ancient's 1.5 patch with three new gov's and numerous other additions and alterations. Highly recommended.
    The first topic I'd like to throw out is the idea of alternate civs. I've come up with several ideas for alternate civs and here they are for your input. I'd like to end up with 16 alternates, a nice, symmetrical number. In the process I have tried to include all 15 different combinations of civ emphasis, with one repeat, which was not militeristic/religious, as both the Japanese and Aztecs already have that. This may have led to some "making it fit" decisions, but again, I'm aiming for symmetry. I've also wanted to exclude more modern civs, like Australia, etc., for purely aesthetic, historical reasons.
    What follows is a list of my ideas, with civ name, emphasis, and signature unit. Again, please submit suggestions.

    Vikings - militaristic/scientific - longship: ability to enter sea tiles upon discovery of astronomy

    Celts - industrious/religious - highlander(?): warrior, 2-1-1 or 1-2-1.

    Dutch - industrious/scientific - merchantman: galleon, +1 to move or attack, or some kind of improved privateer

    Spanish - expansionist/religious - conquistador: explorar, increased combat abilities, or Spanish galleon(?), or tercio, musket man, 2 - 5 - 1

    Portuguese - commercial/industrious - far trader: caravel, +1 to attack or move

    Phoenecians - commercial/militaristic - pentakonter: galley, +1 to attack

    Hebrews - religious/scientific - armored infantry: mech infantry, +1 or 2 to attack

    Arabs - expansionist/religious - camel warrior: chariot, 1-1-3

    Turks - militaristic/religious - Janissary: pikeman, 2-3-1

    Songhai (west African) - expansionist/industrious - ??????, possibly some kind of horseman, 2-2-2

    Maya - commercial/scientific - ?????(eagle warrior, 2-1-1 or 1-2-1 warrior????)

    Inca - expansionist/scientific - ????(sun knight, spearman, 2-2-1???)

    Polynesian - expansionist/commercial - outrigger: galley, +1 move

    Mongol - expansionist/militaristic - golden horde: horseman 2-2-3

    Indochinese - industrious/militaristic - guerilla: infantry, no rubber required

    Abbysinian (Sudan/Ethiopia) - commercial/religious - dervish: swordsman, 3-2-2

    These are the 16 I have come up with. Three more possibilities just dawned on me...

    Polish - expansionistic/industrious - lancer: knight 4-3-3 or cavalry 7-2-3

    Swiss - commercial/industrious - guards: pikeman 1-4-1

    Mexican - expansionistic/religious? - guerrerro: rifleman, no saltpeter needed.

    Well, thats it for now. Other possible topics include, changes in colonies, inclusion of higher tech corruption reducing improvements, and, ???
    "Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you." No they don't! They're just nerve stapled.

    i like ibble blibble

  • #2
    more ideas

    I feel a bit pathetic responding to my own post. Its sort of like being the maytag man, I guess. Anyway, I came up w/a few ruminations. I think the Spanish unit should be the tercio, a beefed up pikeman w/ 2-3-1 stats. The Turkish janissary should therefore be an upgunned archer, stats 5-1-1. Also, I ran across some stuff about bastardizing sprites from other games. Looks like its a massive pain, but, if anyone figures out how to do it, could provide good options for alt civ special units. What follows, off the top of my head, are a few ideas.
    Viking longship - longship, ctp
    Celt highlander - infidel berserker, tot, fantasy campaign
    Dutch merchantman - ctp I/II ship of the line
    Portuguese far trader - ? ctp II caravel?
    Spanish Tercio - ctpII pikeman
    Phoenecian pentakonter - ctp II fire trireme or longship
    Arab camel rider - ????????????
    Songhai (horse something?) - persian horseman from ctp II Alexander scenario
    Abbysinian dervish - fanatic from civ II
    Mongol golden horde - horseman from ctp
    Hebrew armored infantry - tank from civII
    Indochinese guerrilla - partisan from civII
    Polynesian outrigger - coracle from ctpII
    Mayan eagle warrior - warrior frm ctpI
    Inca sun knight - ???

    This kind of got me thinking about some other holes in the system. I think there should be a specific unit, upgradeable from longbowman or swordsman, to infantryman. The ctpII infantryman sprite got me thinking of something like a "grenadier", a 4-2-1 unit to help plug a gap. Also some kind of unit that could plug the gap from ironclad to battleship/destroyer, like a "dreadnought", using the ctpII ironclad sprite. Well, thats it.
    "Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you." No they don't! They're just nerve stapled.

    i like ibble blibble


    • #3
      well civilisations have their own forum area, not here,
      new civs aren't concepts

      vikings should be militaristic/expansionist (or second one could be industrious) they haven't been THAT scientific. expansionistic is good for giving scouts and good goody huts
      but anyway howabout:
      Polynesian/Maori : millitaristic/religious UUnit:War Canoe

