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I need help on how to prevent all the AI on using Democracy. Anyone...?

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  • I need help on how to prevent all the AI on using Democracy. Anyone...?

    Hello Guys,

    I'm rather confused here... Why is it that the AI prefers to use "DEMOCRACY" government type instead of the ones that have been allocated to be their favourites.


    For Romans, the most welcome goverment is the Republic. But, instead of using that government type once it's available, they uses the "Democracy"???

    Is this some kind of BUG? Anyone...... please.
    Emperor AGEN_H
    Ruler of AgenhLand

  • #2
    Re: I need help on how to prevent all the AI on using Democracy. Anyone...?

    Originally posted by agen_h
    Hello Guys,

    I'm rather confused here... Why is it that the AI prefers to use "DEMOCRACY" government type instead of the ones that have been allocated to be their favourites.


    For Romans, the most welcome goverment is the Republic. But, instead of using that government type once it's available, they uses the "Democracy"???

    Is this some kind of BUG? Anyone...... please.
    It is not exactly a bug - according to a post by one of the designers they made the AI pay more attention to "best" than to their preferred government, or even to what government they should avoid. "Best" may vary according to how agressive a particular civ is supposed to be. I know from my own testing that the AI will totally ignore what it is supposed to prefer or avoid, so these settings seem to be nearly meaningless in practice.


    • #3
      Well, the preferred govt means, that it`ll go for republic rather than monarchy if his preferred is republic, but as soon as he discovers better one... Why in the world would creators put something, that`d hurt it into the AI!? It`d never have a chance, if those, who prefer communism or monarchy or republic always stayed there!

