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Hiccup with editing the rules

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  • Hiccup with editing the rules

    has this happened to anyone??

    everytime i edit the rules to make the huge map 256 by 256, the tech screen gets all wacky. i can't change the tech i'm researching nor can i tell it to set up a research que by clicking on the particular tech. i don't mess with anything in the rules other than the map size so i'm a bit baffled by this problem. normally we'd see these nice brownish reddish colored lines with arrows pointing the this and that tech...however, when this problem occurs, the lines go grey and straight. they don't actually point or rather touch any of the techs...they just seem to end "near" the tech. clicking on any of the techs does not do anything. bascially if i miss changing my tech in the beginning i'm stuck working on it till it's researched.

    any ideas??

  • #2
    It's not just with big maps. I played a game where I increased the number of civs you could play on a tiny map and changed the research rate, and I had the same thing happen. The first time I saw it was in a mod where I made the huge map 250x250 and I changed the tech requirements for some of the improvements, so it kinda made sense, but I don't know why it would do that when the only thing I changed was the research rate and number of civs allowed per map.

    It wouldn't bother me so much since I know the tech tree pretty well by now, but what really sucks is that you can't change what you are researching once you have chosen the next tech to research from the little pop-up on the main screen, and if you get a tech from the Great Library or from trade it automatically chooses the next one ot research and you can't change it. Does anyone know a fix for this?


    • #3
      See if this is what you are referring long as you change the original civ3mod.bic file, you should be okay. I have experienced the same probs as you, so now just edit the original file.

      Firaxis is working on a fix for this in the patch.


