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2 different bugs?

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  • 2 different bugs?

    I scanned many messages on this post but did not find any like this; 1. when bombarding with any ship, about one third of the time, no message comes up--not even bombardment failed--nothing, ZIP. I have no idea what happened to the city I was attacking. 2. When right clicking on the city improvements, it only asks if i want to sell that one city's improvement--I thought it would also ask to sell ALL similar improvemenmts is all cities. Perhaps I have missed something here.

    Just as a comment, I do like CIV3 and was a hard core fan of CIV 1 & 2. However, I must voice my dissapointment in the 2 primary features that require patching--air power weakness and corruption. It really took the fun out of my playing style. I hope that these issues--among many others listed--will be fixed SOON with a decent patch.

  • #2
    For the bombardment question, I am pretty sure it is a bug, but I can tell you that you are not the only experiencing this problem, I have seen it in every one of my games (mostly because I love to bombard the AI ) and I have seen many people post about it. I don't know about selling improvements, I haven't tried it yet and I haven't gotten to a part in the manual that talks about it.

    Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


    • #3
      Damage to units in city

      As to your bombardment question - I'm not sure on this one but if you bombard a city directly and you do not get a message saying you were successful, I think you are just doing damage to the units housed in the city (as opposed to population or city improvements). When you bombard units outside of a city, no message tells you it is successful - you know it worked if the units take damage. Since you cannot see what units are present in the city, you won't see how much damage they take. However, since no bombardment unsuccessful message popped up, I'm assuming the fortified units took the brunt of the bombardment ...

      If this happens when you are bombarding land improvements (railroads, roads, irrigation), this is probably not the answer.

      As for selling city improvements across the empire (e.g. selling all your granaries because you just captured the Pyramids) - I liked that option in SMAC but have not yet found that option to be available in Civ 3.
      There are three kinds of people in this world -
      those who can count and those who can't.

