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How do you cancel right of passage agreements ?

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  • How do you cancel right of passage agreements ?

    Hello all - help you can help out a newcomer to these pages.

    Is it possible to cancel right of passage agreements ? I agreed to one with the Persians, just because I wanted to sail past their coasts, and now the pesky Persians are swarming all over my territory and founding useless tundra cities on my territory borders.

    The only way I can think of doing it is by declaring war, but I'm not willing to do that.

    Cheers !

  • #2
    You can only cancel them without reprocution (sp?) if their length of time (20 turns) has passed. Then you can use the foriegn advisor window to access negotiations with the other civ, click on active treaties and remove the right of passage treaty. If the time hasn't passed I don't think you can break it without war.

    Hope this helps


    • #3
      Thanks ScottVib

      I'm trying this (the 20 turns are long gone - it's been more like three millennia !) but I can't find out how to cancel the treaties on the foreign advisor screen. All I get is a pictorial representation - am I missing something ?



      • #4
        Go into negotiations with the civ.
        At the bottom, where it says "Clear Table New Active"
        Click Active... that will show all current treaties/trade agreements with the civ.

        Cancel from there.


        • #5
          Fantastic - this works !

          Thank you both - two quick helpful replies. I can see I'll be back here again

