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Historical proposition for any modder (plz someone...)

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  • Historical proposition for any modder (plz someone...)

    I got some idea, but I don't even have Civ III (and wont buy it before they put a convenient patch and I'm finish university).
    here's the idea and be free to use it:

    Could we have the possibility of taking a civilisation WHERE IT REALLY STARTED??? Exemple... you take USA? Np. You're starting at the date USa was born, with the techs it really had, and with the military and cities it really had, etc. And maybe with English that would have some armies around and all.

    You start as French? Then you'll start with the cities it had, and all it really had.

    And same with every civilisation on the Earth map. Anybody interested? I feel it could be fun, instead of supposing that USA was USA since 3000BC
    Civ III isn't perfect on representing the evolution of civilisations and I guess it may be normal (it's quite complex) so we could just take it as it was...
    Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!

  • #2
    I don't know if this would be possible. In Civ3, all the civilizations begin at the same time. Something like the USA being born (revolting from British rule) would be some trigger event maybe? But if cities revolt in Civ3 they join another civ, not create their own.

    If you have played Europa Universalis, they achieved this by having a "revolt rate" value. It would increase in N. American colonies around the mid to late 1700's. Same with the netherlands revolting from Spanish rule earlier. If enough neighboring colonies revolted, they would form their own government.

    If someone could figure a revolt rate idea, as well as having revolting cities form an independent gov't, you'd have your mod. As it is now, I think it'd be writing a whole new game.


    • #3
      Well I thought that we could make a scenario where it STARTS when the civ is really created. For exemple, the American scenario would start when USA was created.

      The Roman scenario would start as Rome was when it really started to be something (like when having Italia). When you would start the scenario with Romans, you would have Italia with the cities that existed (and with their amount of population) and with the technology they had.

      And could be same for any civ...
      Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


      • #4
        I like your idea, but I must speak for the Civ team here and say that Civ games have always stood for rewriting history, and starting somewhere in the middle just doesn't seem to make sense - all you're doing in fast forwarding the game, thats all.

        I like starting from 3000bc, even if i do choose to use the americans. It allows me to play with a thousand "what if"s

        Also, its hard to pick out the moment when a civ really started. The franks, for example, have been around for a long time - the world jsut didn't wake up one day to a new civilization with cities and such, that civ was the product of centuries of effort and unification, and geographic factors. Which is why I think another message in the Civ series is that you shouldn't automatically think that the Egyptians will start in a desert; its the landscape that defines a civilization, not the other way around.

        "Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion"
        -Democritus of Abdera


        • #5
          Many scenarios were created for Civ2 that started at certain dates with cities and units in place. Sometimes the turns were expressed as something other than years (months, etc.)

          With the current editor, I don't know that you can manipulate time, and editing the cities would be cumbersome. Maybe when they give us the improved (patched) editor it would become feasible again


          • #6
            WW 2

            I'm just wondering why nobody have done a WW 2 scenario yet??? In civ 1 (or maybe it was 2) there was such a scenario. I was thinking somethin like that. With time in months and stuff like that. Starting when Germany invades poland and ending when the allies + the Soviets are destroyed or when Germany, Japan and their allies are gone.

            Does anybody know if the civ3 team is planning to release scenarios like this?
            Lord Ben Dover


            • #7

              I was a big fan of the WWII scenario in Civ2, although it had its problems (particularly with difficulty - it was WAY TOO EASY). I would love a challenging and full scale WWII scenario for Civ3.
              Having the benefit of being able to include more civs, the war could be extended to the pacific and north africa possibly.

              Is anyone (Firaxis or otherwise) going to make one?

              I may have a go, but I have very little experienc eof making civ scenarios. I have plenty of ideas though.

              Possible Civs:

              Britain (including colonies?)

              I also think it would be good to include some neutral civs (such as spain) which are actually PLAYABLE, not just pushovers like the "neutrals" from the Civ2 WWII scenario.

              Just my thoughts...
              "There are two kinds of travel book: One is a guide for tourists, and the other is almost invariably written by Bill Bryson."
              - Sam Waldron


              • #8

                I was thinking sumthi likew that. Its a shame I suck at editing though. Anyone with experience tpo do such a scenario?? Then pleeeaaasee do.
                Lord Ben Dover

