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Some Questions...

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  • Some Questions...

    1. Is it possible to get a comprehensive view of all my current trade agreements, with turns remaining? Same for other civs with regards to their Peace and MPP agreements? (I have been writing down dates when messages appear, but this seems silly to have to do)

    2. Is there a graphic mod to view strategic resources when they exist directly under cities? As it is, the only way to take stock of another civ's access to resources is to right-click on every city (ugh!).

    3. Is there a hot-key to cycle through existing resource locations on the map?

    4. Mobilization. Where in the manual does it describe what the heck it is.....

  • #2
    Sorry not sure about 1&2 but for 3 gather its a no, and this has been asked for by many people

    4) Mobilisation, had the same problem but finaly found the answer hidden in the civpedia. (i gather) when you use mobilisation this allows you to mass produce military units at a cheaper price, however non of your cities can produce non-military units while this is on.


    • #3
      1. 99% sure there is no way, but if you find one let me know

      2. Yes, there is a mod and here it is:

      3. Nope, as the above poster mentioned

      4. The other thing about mobilization is once you switch to mobilization you cannot switch back to "normal" until you start a war and make peace. I think you go to the domestic advisor screen to switch, but I am not sure.

      Jacob's Law "To err is human: to blame it on someone else is even more human."


      • #4
        As I recall from the civilopedia, wartime mobilization causes all the squares around all cities to produce an extra shield, but you can ONLY produce military units (no improvements). Therefore the units aren't any cheaper, just faster to build.

        I could be wrong though, haven't really used this feature much.


        • #5
          Re: Some Questions...

          Originally posted by Spuds_7

          1. Is it possible to get a comprehensive view of all my current trade agreements, with turns remaining? Same for other civs with regards to their Peace and MPP agreements? (I have been writing down dates when messages appear, but this seems silly to have to do)
          In the diplomacy screen with that ruler, click on Active. In there, you'll see all the active trades, pacts, etc., with the number of turns remaining in parentheses.

