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I want lines, dammit.

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  • I want lines, dammit.

    Er, hi.

    I saw on the bug list that some people have been having a problem where all the lines disappear from their Foreign Adviser screen when their screen saver activates.

    I have the same problem, except that I NEVER have the lines; my Foreign Adviser screen has never worked properly.

    I've tried reinstalling the game, and even reinstalling from a friend's CD, but it makes no difference.

    Does anyone have any idea why this might be. I was going to list it as a bug, but the fact that it hasn't happened to anyone else makes me wonder whether there might be something wrong with my system or settings.

    Any thoughts?


  • #2
    You probably don't have OpenGL installed.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      At the risk of sounding incredibly ignorant, what it OpenGL and how would I go about getting it installed?

      (Thanks for the help, by the way).


      • #4
        Sorry for being brief. OpenGL is routines for graphics that the game uses to draw lines.

        See this post by Dan about this problem. Also see this

        For non Windows 2000/XP

        Windows 2000/XP
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • #5
          I have the same problem, the lines between leaders are not there and have never been there, regardless of what I check in the treaties/trade box. I am a little comforted to know that a few others out there are having the same problem.

          I tried downloading glsetup but it crashed during download. I also updated my display driver to the latest version from the manufacturer, and it supposedly supports OpenGL. I have an ATI Rage Pro Turbo.

          I would reeeeeealllly like to get this problem figured out, so I hope if others have the problem and solve it, I'd like to hear how they did it.


          • #6
            I have the same problem, no treaty lines on the Foreign Advisor screen, and I don't remember ever having them. I could have easily let my screen saver pop up before ever looking at the Foreign Advisor screen.

            Gramphos, doesn't Civ3 install OpenGL if you don't have it? There is an executable on the cd. I have a few .dll files with 'opengl' in the filename, so I am going to assume I have some version of it installed.

            I am assuming that you have no problems with missing treaty lines on the Foreign Advisor screen. Do your lines disappear after the screen saver pops up?

            Does anyone know how to get the lines back in either case???!?
            "Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
            Call to Power 2 Source Code Project 2005.06.28 Apolyton Edition


            • #7
              Originally posted by Flinx
              Gramphos, doesn't Civ3 install OpenGL if you don't have it? There is an executable on the cd. I have a few .dll files with 'opengl' in the filename, so I am going to assume I have some version of it installed.
              All I know is that Firaxis' Dan recommended that files.
              Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


              • #8
                Updating the OpenGL driver works

                Thanks Gramphos
                "Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
                Call to Power 2 Source Code Project 2005.06.28 Apolyton Edition


                • #9
                  Well, I've just found a new glitch with the patch... My foreign advisor lines no longer appear after I play one turn, but they show fine when I start the same game. If I save, exit, and reload the lines again stick around for one turn before disappearing... I've tried installing the GLupdate, etc and even reinstalled the latest drivers for my graphics card. Maybe this is a new issue with nVidia cards -- I've got a TNT2 Ultra on my system. Anyone else experience this problem?
                  Evolution does not work in straight lines, but the minds of some scientists do.

                  -- George Gaylord Simpson


                  • #10
                    Yes I have the same problem...

                    Never had this occur before until the new patch. I have a 3dfx card...voodoo 3. Tried updating/installing open GL but that didn't make a difference...only way to get the lines to show is to exit out of the game.


                    • #11
                      new patches - new bugs....

                      tech_maniac, civplayer I have got the same problem with foreigh advisor lines, PLUS: settler rectangle (the one that shows where at first the borders of a new city will be) disappeared, some weird rectangles appear in the demographics (in size they are near to city "description board" outlines), Babylonians changed colour from green to deep blue....
                      This all has happened after I installed the patch and opened my saved game.
                      I do not have 3dfx of NVideo...
                      So, is it a new bug or just saved game compatibility problem?


                      • #12
                        I started a couple of new games last night just to see if the patch problem was related to the pre-patch saves, and it looks that way. I haven't had a single problem with lines in the new game -- I even tried a new game on the same map with no problems. The new game works great except that units with more than one movement point almost always seem to move two squares every time I pick up a goody hut... but that's an issue for a different thread, I think...
                        Evolution does not work in straight lines, but the minds of some scientists do.

                        -- George Gaylord Simpson


                        • #13
                          Well I don´t think so... I started a new game, played for a while and after I entered the military advisor screen the lines in the diplomacy screen disappeared.

                          OS: WinME
                          Videocard: 3d annihilator Pro
                          Last edited by Unspeakable Horror; December 8, 2001, 15:02.
                          The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

                          Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


                          • #14
                            Yeah, I just noticed the same thing after visiting the military advisor in one of my new games... I guess it's a trade-off -- you can see the treaty lines or you can use your military advisor... I wonder how many other screens cause the same problem?
                            Evolution does not work in straight lines, but the minds of some scientists do.

                            -- George Gaylord Simpson


                            • #15
                              Did some more checking... it seems that the foreign advisor lines work fine until I open up any of the other advisor screens, then no longer work afterward. I don't think I got through all the combinations (got tired of exiting the game and then waiting for it to start and load the save...), but so far I can't see the lines after I access the military, domestic, science or trade advisors, and I've even had them disappear after checking the score screens, though that doesn't always happen... I haven't had problems with any advisor other than foreign, though... so I guess as long as I don't meet any other civs in my games I won't have this frustration...
                              Evolution does not work in straight lines, but the minds of some scientists do.

                              -- George Gaylord Simpson

