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Why doesnt fortress-ZOC work with correct units?

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  • Why doesnt fortress-ZOC work with correct units?

    OK, I understand that fortresses should add a 8 surrounding squares ZOC-capability, provided that you have the correct units fortified in them (like cavalry, or mechanized infantry for example).

    But the problem is that it doesnt seems to work.

    First, I realized my early mistake of putting the wrong units in them. But lately, even enemy-tank units easily slides between my fortress-fortified mech.infantry units - fortressed 2 squares from each other. Why?

    Does this zoc-capability only work if the fortified units are just as fast, or faster as the through-slipping enemy-units? But, I have experienced tank-units who zig-zag their way through my dense mesh of fortresses. In one occation, even slow-moving rifleman-units. Something is clearly wrong.

    Anybody else, facing above problems with the game? The way I see it, above should work for all foreign combat-units, regardless if your have peaceful relations with them, or not
    Last edited by Ralf; November 24, 2001, 13:56.

  • #2
    Its buggy, I've seen it work though with swordsmen in a fortress, even though they aren't supposed to have zoc.
    However it rarely does work for me.

    If you are at peace it doesn't work on them, you just have to tell them to get out every turn or make a wall of units along your borders, which is my current practice.


    • #3
      Originally posted by barefootbadass
      If you are at peace it doesn't work on them, you just have to tell them to get out every turn or make a wall of units along your borders, which is my current practice.
      isnt that most annoying? i though borders were to fix this? "get out" "ok, we'll leave as soon as we get to the OTHER end" damn annoying and stupid if you ask me. they need to turn arround ang go back where they came from.

      and at least you guys got the coastal fortress working *sometimes* i cant get it to work at all


      • #4
        I belive the Fortress is supposed to add a ZOC to any units inside.
        Yours in gaming,


        • #5
          Well - I've only built a fortress once, but it worked - but only once... It was a swordman who wasn't fortified, but staying inside the fortress. the next turn I've fortified it and it didn't work anymore. so, maybe you have to not fortify the untis inside the fortress to get them using this version of ZOC.


          • #6
            I believe that if a unit is FORTIFIED, it will not take opp. fire. Which it is so annoying, as you have to fill a fortress with units and leave them active (I miss sentry) if you want them to defend your frontier properly. Even then it isn't always working.

            Rationalization: Human player's military in Civ III are always on the verge of mutiny. Probably because if they were still civilians, they would be rolling in spice and wine. Also might explain why captured cities can revert to the original culture taking your units with them...they didn't want to be soldiers in the first place!


