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Dodgy overthrowing fools

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  • Dodgy overthrowing fools

    Does it annoy the absolute hell out of anyone else those dodgey overthrows when u trying to conquer a civ???
    I mean I can see they may be able to overthrow a city, but do they have to just then get rid of all the units therein!?!?!
    For example, city with 2 infantry, 1 cavalry and about 15 bombers overthrows me, I can see reasons why and stuff but do all those bombers then just bloody dissapear!!!!!!!!
    I can't stand it, that I lose 85% of my troops in a war through the civilians carving em up.

    So my point is to all you mod-fellas out there, is there a way to like put all the units in the nearest city or outside the city in some way that all the units are destroyed??

    One other point I feel like suggesting, does anyone think that perhaps different age units get bonuses over previous ages, I mean a battleship is not going to get close to being damaged by a wooden ship, maybe cause they diff. ages the battleship can get a phat bonus. Annoys me when me fleets of 5 battleships gets hit by 30 ironclads and wooden ships and they bombard the hell out of me until they can kill em.

  • #2
    Originally posted by bisho
    For example, city with 2 infantry, 1 cavalry and about 15 bombers overthrows me, I can see reasons why and stuff but do all those bombers then just bloody dissapear!!!!!!!!
    If they throw out ALL your units, it would be pointless in terms of gameplay, since that newly occupied city has no replace-defenders to protect themselves with. You would just walk right back in. The whole idea with the "high culture, hard to conquer" would the be flushed down the toilet.

    But I see and understand your problems anyway. I would suggest a "keep half, throw out half" game-rule instead. And those kicked out units should always be yellow-damaged and below. Othe then above; you just have to roll in enough ground-units and convert enough entertainers within that city - even to the point of starvation/pop-decrease. Also, try to use bombardent-units in order to reduce the population during sieges, before occupying it. Smaller cities = Smaller problems.

    Finally, as soon as you have restored forced upon stability; rush-build a occupied city-settler and merge it/replace it with your own domestic settlers instead. By mixing the occupied population with your own population, you reduces the upprising-problem considerably.


    • #3
      When you get a city you only get one of the best basic defenders that can be built in that city. All other units that were in the city before are just removed from the game.
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • #4
        Its definately tough to defeat a high culture civilization, but you have a clear choice when you defeat an enemy city. At first I thought if I isolated the captured city from the enemy borders it would be ok but that was sure wrong. You have to move quick and be ready to take out every city they have to stop the revolts. Position a good number of troops just outside those cities to respond to uprisings. Just a few should work since they dont end up defended very well. Alternatively, just burn that city to the ground and bring in your own settlers.

        That'll learn em!
        Some 3d models and art work I've done.

