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  • can iu create

    i must be a bozo but i cant create an embassy. it says to double click on the capital city but that doesnt do much for me. when i first got writing it allowed me to create 2 embassies now that i want to get a rite of passage with the frencf i cant. i really dont want to have to remove them from the face of the planet so please help me help them.
    It would have been better been born a dog than unleash my waked wrath--othello

  • #2
    I'm having the EXACT same problem. You're right, it does say to click the FOREIGN EMBASSY icon on your capital city screen. However, I can not find any such icon. If someone can please tell me where this icon is, it would be a great help. Thanks.


    • #3
      If you double click on the capital star of your capital, it should prompt you to build embassies. I had this same problem myself, the manual just says to double click on the capital icon. It does not specify which, so I spent many turns trying to figure out what to do. It should have been clearer.
      "It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver" - Jean de La Fontaine


      • #4
        cool i'll try it

        i stopped playing because of it. my civ is going good and after the japanese meet my knights they will be doomed. thanks
        It would have been better been born a dog than unleash my waked wrath--othello


        • #5

          Glad I could be of help, the graphic Interface is good, but some things should be a lot easier to get to. This is one example. BTW the hotkey list from the back of the manual, Ctrl-E to establish embassies, Ctrl-Shift-E to plant spies. The man in charge of hot keys should get promoted, there are hundreds of hotkeys for every action.
          "It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver" - Jean de La Fontaine

