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Interesting BUG... The Revenge of Hammurabi

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  • Interesting BUG... The Revenge of Hammurabi

    So, I'm playing the Persians on the same continent as the Zulus and Babylonians. An incredibly naive Shaka offers to trade me Iron... Well you know what happened next, an Immortal storm washed over the continent first eliminating the Zulus and then complete my manifest destiny by wiping out the babylonians... or so I thought...

    Walked through babylon and took out all their cities on my continent. But I didn't get the "We've eliminated the forgotten babylonians" prompt.

    Odd I thought, oh well perhaps they have an overseas city or something. Even though the continent was too far away from other land masses at this part of the game. Still I thought the AI may have a few tricks we don't know about.

    So not really caring about them anymore I sued for peace. Bluffing that I was already at their gates (I really had no idea where they were now), they handed over all their gold, techs and world maps.

    Here's where I knew something was wrong, because their world map didn't show any babylonian cities.

    So the game goes on another couple of hundred years, I make contact with the civ's on the other side of the world, get all their maps and still no Babylonians.

    All this time I could still access the diplomatic screen, talk with them, do deals with them, although they had 0 gold, no techs, luxuries, etc. The only thing they had to offer was their maps and they didn't show anything.

    So another couple of hundred years pass and lo and behold I stumble on a lone babylonian galley parked in aztech waters! It had one hit point left and just stayed there, not moving around at all.

    So this is where that bastard hammurabi has been hiding all these years, on this galley! So I decided to finish the job I should have done long ago, and I sink his galley. The message pops up, we have destroyed the babylonian empire etc. Cool I think, that's a bit odd. And went on playing for another couple of hours.

    This is where the revenge of Hammurabi comes in. It turns out all of my save games (including auto saves) after sinking his last galley are corrupt! When I load them I get the message: DATAIO Operating System Error: CITY

    So now I've got to go back and replay a couple hunded years, and make sure that galley sticks around for the whole game, otherwise I'm screwed!

    I can attach a save game if anyone is interested, or if FIRAXIS wants to check out this bug...


  • #2
    here's the file

    Here's the savegame:
    Attached Files


    • #3
      That's one funny bug!

      "Sire, oh emperor of the mighty babylonian civilizations, what shall we do now?"
      "hmmm. well, I guess we row, row, row the boat?"



      • #4
        try to give him one of your cities,
        then sink the ship and take the city after that.

        what happens in that case ?
        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


        • #5
          Elsewhere, I've seen reported that sinking a ship carrying a settler causes weird problems. Maybe that happened to you.
          "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


          • #6
            Could you attach one of the corrupt SAVs as well?
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • #7
              I've checked that file. The Gallay contains one spearman and one Settler!!!. Something must be wrong how it handles the AI when all cities has been destroyed, but a Settler is left (maybe at sea (can't find a good spot for a new city?)) (Or has tried to found a city in the water (therefore the CITY error))
              Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


              • #8
                this is know by firaxis and is to be fixed.

                if the last unit is a settler on a boat/transport when you kill it, it causes a -1 value, which corrupts the saved games. they said the patch will allow you to fix this issue, and if you hold onto your corrupt saves you can fix them too.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Nemo
                  this is know by firaxis and is to be fixed.

                  if the last unit is a settler on a boat/transport when you kill it, it causes a -1 value, which corrupts the saved games. they said the patch will allow you to fix this issue, and if you hold onto your corrupt saves you can fix them too.
                  So, if the Savegeme is edited to change the settler to another unit you can kill it?
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • #10
                    Tried this...

                    I founded a new city and then gave it to the babylonians for their world map.

                    Waited a turn

                    The new city did not show up as the capital city. So I declared war and sunk the galley.

                    waited a turn

                    The new city still did not show up as a capital city. I could enter diplomacy as normal, but when I tried espionage (to look at the city) the game just flashed the screen and went on to my next movable unit.

                    So the phantom capital of babylon is still there... somewhere. Although i admit a clever strategy of when you can't beat 'em... just go extra-dimensional on 'em.

                    I'm glad to hear this is an acknowledged bug and they intend to fix it in the (ever more conspicuous by it's absence) "patch".



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gramphos
                      So, if the Savegeme is edited to change the settler to another unit you can kill it?
                      i doubt you'd even be able to load the game without error. because that would create two existing units (boat + unit) that exist without a civilization. that *might* be just as bad. However, if you can edit the game so that BOTH the boat and the unit are either exterminated or changed to a diverent (existing) civ, it might work


                      • #12
                        MY question is why the units didn't disappear after the last city was taken...

                        My three possible answers:
                        1) The units just happened to all be "free" units, like some of the ones you find in huts (no support costs).
                        2) The units popped up as the civ was killed, but since it was on a galley, it couldn't move across the deeper waters.
                        3) The computer hates to lose just as much as we do.

                        IF CIV_GETS_DEFEATED
                        "You don't have to be modest if you know you're right."- L. Rigdon


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by cassembler
                          MY question is why the units didn't disappear after the last city was taken...

                          My three possible answers:
                          1) The units just happened to all be "free" units, like some of the ones you find in huts (no support costs).
                          2) The units popped up as the civ was killed, but since it was on a galley, it couldn't move across the deeper waters.
                          3) The computer hates to lose just as much as we do.

                          IF CIV_GETS_DEFEATED
                          The reason is that
                          II LAST_CITY_LOST AND HAS_SETTLER

                          So the Settler tries to found a new city in the sea.
                          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Nemo
                            i doubt you'd even be able to load the game without error. because that would create two existing units (boat + unit) that exist without a civilization. that *might* be just as bad. However, if you can edit the game so that BOTH the boat and the unit are either exterminated or changed to a diverent (existing) civ, it might work
                            I've added code to Civ3CopyTool's SaveGame reader that may correct corrupt SAV-files (and it works) I'll post v0.73.5 soon. (So if you have the corrupt (after sinking SAVS left you can kick Hamurabi out of there))

                            Stay tuned to the Files Forum.
                            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                            • #15
                              The version is now posted

                              Hope you have your corrupt savs left.
                              Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

